The Most Dangerous Woman in the UK Prison System

How a sexual sadist and psychotic-siren lured men to their deaths. Female psychopaths are rare but no less dangerous

Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular


CREDIT: Maria and Joanna Dennehy(BBC)

It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that a serial killer should be creepy, male and have a terrible and abusive childhood. I may have overstated the case. Sure, there’s some wiggle room in there for outliers like Bundy, only creepy after the fact, and Eileen Wuornos… but for the most part, the average person’s mind will go straight to John Wayne Gacy or Ed Gein.

Complete shudder fest.

For me, the most fascinating serial killer in British history is one barely known to most Brits and largely ignored by the rest of the world. Her murders were committed within the last ten years but many UK residents wouldn’t know the name. She subverts almost everything we understand about serial killers.

Her name is Joanna Christine Dennehy and she is widely considered to be the most dangerous woman in the UK Prison system. I’d love to link you to her wikipedia page — but she doesn’t have one.

See what I mean about flying under the radar?

A perfectly normal upbringing.



Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular

Playwright. Screenwriter. Penguin. Fan of rationalism and polite discourse. Find me causing chaos in the comments. Contact: