What Happened To Feminist Voices During Ukrainian Conscription?

There‘s still a deafening silence about military service being imposed on half the population.

Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular


Photo by Aliaksei Semirski: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-protesting-13155515/

I was opposed to the compulsory conscription of Ukrainian men at the outbreak of the Russian invasion and I’m opposed to the conscription of Russian men now. It should come as no surprise I’d object on the grounds of direct state interference in the lives of its citizens.

I don’t believe any Government should be able to order its citizens to be in the military or take up arms for political reasons. I say that as someone who volunteered as a driver during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Being forced and volunteering are different.

There is another reason I objected and it comes down to a very simple point most people seem to be ignoring. The draft was only for one-half of the population and it did not apply equally to both sexes. There were plenty of female volunteers who joined the army and there were plenty of angry babushkas who dusted swords off from the Crimea.

With respect, that isn’t the same thing.

Volunteering is a choice. Blocking the penised half of your population at the border and forcing them to join a war is anti-feminist. Likewise, presuming the…



Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular

Playwright. Screenwriter. Penguin. Fan of rationalism and polite discourse. Find me causing chaos in the comments. Contact: argumentativepenguin@outlook.com