Colin O'Malley
The Lucid Privacy Group
2 min readJun 2, 2020
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash


Lucid stands with the protestors and everyone expressing anger, frustration, and exhaustion with the violence and inhumanity that we are seeing from our police officers when they engage with our black and brown brothers and sisters. We are a small consultancy focusing on privacy matters, and we are not a political organization, but we have reached a point where silence feels complicit.

We will not be complicit.

We can’t pretend that each incidence of brutality exists in a vacuum, disconnected from a long chain of history.

We can’t pretend that the only incidents traumatizing our communities are the ones blessed with recorded video footage.

Over the last several days of unrest, we’ve also seen, time and again, our own peace officers abusing our fellow citizens. Our people are, in the main, peacefully expressing a just rage, in accordance with the first amendment of the Constitution. Our government should be listening and pledging to fix the underlying problems that make this pain a continuous feature of our society, rather than threatening or attempting to intimidate its own people.

This is not, or at least should not be, how America governs itself. Few actions communicate indifference like intimidation. We join the movement of Americans that refuse to be intimidated.

Solving the difficult underlying problems will take years of mobilization and coordinated action.

For our part:

  • We will not stand by silently while our brothers and sisters are targeted.
  • We will be a voice for accountability in government.
  • We will be a small beacon of diversity and inclusion in our business community.
  • We will stand for democratic values, independent of party or non-party affiliation.

Please stand with us, as we stand with you. Do your part to keep our dialog with government peaceful, even as we remain forceful. Keep your eyes focused like a laser on the progress we need to make as a people.


Your friends and family at the Lucid Privacy Group



Colin O'Malley
The Lucid Privacy Group

Founder of Briefly (@briefly_tldr) and @lucidprivacy, & co-founder of @ghostery. City kid, biker, runner, happy hubby & dad.