7 habits of highly Perseverant Women

Archana Vohra
Lucid Ramblings
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2016

The headline of this blog could have easily been ‘Seven Habits of Highly Successful Women’, which would have lent itself to much better CTR but certainly diminished the purpose.

That’s because success is a subjective barometer that never includes passion, purpose, situation or circumstances while perseverance encompasses peril, the blood between the teeth, the joy and most importantly the never ending drive.

It’s the steroid of success that sends us to many a mission, but never fails. Thus here comes my top 7 on perseverance — unique traits that separate the women from the woo-men or the moo-men.

1. Happy in her skin

Often at work and outside, we find women and sometimes young girls too, incessantly adjusting everything from their cleavage to their attitudes to fit in — a shorter skirt, an unwanted yes, an incessant apology or even an extra laugh at a random joke.

But the truth is that while adaptability is a virtue, not being who you are, or sucking up, isn’t.

That reminds me of an interesting tale of a very inspiring woman:

Once upon a time there lived a girl who for her first job interview bought herself an outfit that she was uncomfortable with. Her trousers fell too short and in her discomfort she was rejected for the role. She went back to her professor at Yale, and told him about it. He advised her to go with wearing what she was comfortable with and to be herself. She wore a saree next, got the job and stuck by her beliefs and herself for the rest of her illustrious career.

“I’m so secure in myself, I don’t have to be American to play in the corporate life,” says Indra Nooyi unabashedly.

2. Sympathy unfriendly

“Oh my God, I am so amazed how you work this late. That must be tough on your family. Take it a lil easy man!”

Well this brand of mindless sympathy is nauseating — women at work and home take care of their responsibilities just like men do their bit, so why the unnecessary rhetoric?

A study by 02 reveals, that “sometimes the pressure felt by working women to have it all and be all things to all people is so strong that they adopt masculine characteristics, including hiding their emotions, dressing masculine and even mirroring the behaviour of male colleagues.”

But guess what! The kick ass ones hold their heads, heels, makeup, and the rocks on their fingers and do what they have to steer clear of all sympathy saccharine flowing towards them.

3. Sensible sensitivity

Over the last few working years have had the privilege of meeting some really feisty and forthright women, and the one thing that stood out about all of them is their emotional connect with their teams.

Almost all of them knew everything about team members across lines, personal and professional. They almost always gave teams’ access to their home and family without compromising their ability to work with them the next morning.

And this trait is truly what made them standout. A few years ago when I was quitting my previous job, my baby was young, and my employer told me that while I could pursue my new job, my kid should continue to come to their crèche since he was too young to adapt to change.

I was floored by her gesture –and that remains my fav work story ever.

4. Coterie averse

Women don’t raise or breed packs or gangs and so it’s not natural for them to participate in corporate hunts either.

Despite being outnumbered, most choose to hold their ground and steer clear of packs, coteries and anything else that looks like a non valuable collective decision making process.

Read this article on Indiatimes to know how even Bollywood hunts in packs!

5. Get shit done

Your wife s***s, have girlfriend/boyfriend trouble and the whole world is out to get you. Fine, go ahead and manage it. Don’t mope, and do what you are supposed to.

Its funny but this one attribute makes a lot of women seem “bossy”. I remember in an interview post her book, Sheryl Sandberg made this very interesting comment on how the word bossy is used invariably for women for just doing their shit and almost never for men.

Watch that TED clip here:

But so be it, let them call you bossy or bitchy or anything in between but the Persistent and Driven ones will get work done nevertheless.

6. Like collectors

Long before FB invented the like button, women at work were attempting to collect likes nevertheless. Their need to be accepted sometimes is so strong that they often land up doubting themselves in the process.

They do the same with dislikes too. Look at this tweet by Rowling where she shares her letters of rejection on twitter. She kept them….

I am a collector too. I probably have all the nicest and the worst ever mails written to me all stashed up in a mail box somewhere. Do I visit them? Yes the bad ones certainly. Am I embarrassed? No, but they certainly get my adrenaline rushing!

7. No cat or bull fights

As clichéd as it maybe, but it’s true, we regard arguments b/w men as healthy competition but dismiss differences in points of view b/w women as cat fights!

Don’t even know what the term catfight really means but it certainly is a great way for most to distance themselves from something that could be relevant.

Have also seen some moronic instances of people saying, “Resolve this cat fight offline… Do a man to man discussion with her boss”. What is that even supposed to mean? Does it mean that that the man is so stupid that he regards gender over rationality or just that he does not know any better?

So here’s a lil sign off for all those who believe that a women’s path of persistence or push is any different from theirs …

Our actions and ambitions are no different from yours. So cut out the extra sympathy, snitching, door opening, over smiling and yes telling us that since we have family we are in any way less able to work or party as hard.

BTW while you are at it, drop the women’s day specials too and just give us a fair fight and we are happy to win or lose as much as you are…

Originally published at blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com on March 30, 2016.

