A mother’s open letter to her young son

Archana Vohra
Lucid Ramblings
Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2016

Dear K,

It is late in the evening and I am awaiting the delivery of your new hoverboard with 8.5 inch wheels, which I have been reading enough about, but have given in despite, cause you just downloaded your report card and I could not say no after looking at the no. of A1’s in it.

But what I haven’t told you is that it does not matter. The A1’s on a spreadsheet mean nothing other an inane ego massage. But you are too young to get that yet and you really want the first row seat and the tons of claps and handshakes from your “principal and headmistress maam”.

You also like the badge pinned on your chest with words like Head, Captain as you are seamlessly initiated to hierarchy, years before you may face it.

Bats & blows

But the truth is that I don’t know how to stop you either, cause that’s what I have done most of my life and now competing is my default setting and that of everyone I know –peers, friends and family.

When we visit places of devotion, you realize but say nothing, when you see 2 lines going to one God, and one moving faster than the other not because of the devotion or process.

I once read a statement “money is what money does” but I realize what it means today, when I see you grow up — when we argue over a Nike or Gola shoe, a Gshock or a Sonata watch and so many other things.

I also understand that not having what’s “in” means that a lesser number of people will talk to you in class or share your lunch, and that a large no of your “buddies” will gang up and make fun of the velcro in your shoe instead of the shiny neon laces.

And the biggest blow for young heart will be when someone with a “Kashmiri willow” bat will get to bat because “sir” thinks that his “bat and not game is better”.

Baby, it’s sad but true, that way before your dad and I can tell you of the power of honesty, skill and hard work, you would have already learnt that talk is NOT always cheap, and sometimes more rewarding than real action.

Dreams & girls

At 9, you have just started noticing the girls around you and I am delighted when you come home and happily tell me that you lost to Niti because she played better. But I worry that when you start discovering girls and yourself in a few years, you may forget their names and use senseless nouns and adjectives to refer to them.

But the worry gives way fleetingly, each time you tell me that Bullet and Biscuit or any other pet in the world should be brought home from a shelter and not shops because you can’t buy people.

Your love for the cockpit is legendary and I know that’s where you want to be as I watch you lovingly touch the simulators at many an airport, but it breaks my heart that as a parent I cannot guarantee that you will be a pilot one day.

You will need to fight thousands of young hearts like yours to get there and aimlessly become one in a rat race.

But here’s what I can guarantee:

I will back you in all your dreams of being a chef, pilot, soccer player all at the same time without saying it’s too lil or too much — so dream on and dream big.

I will continue to be a RAT and get you every ride or board that you lay a finger on but will make you earn and learn every bit of it

I will not judge you in your choices of friendship, relationship, love, gender or one night stands but stand away when you chose to senselessly break a heart.

And finally I will be mom, buddy, monster, cool, nagging and loving all at the same time cause you K are not half but all of my heart, happiness today; and forever.

Originally published at blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com on April 4, 2016.

