I am a mother, not a saint?

Archana Vohra
Lucid Ramblings
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2016

Flashback 2006 and everything around me seems to be in labour — friends are pregnant or getting there, ovulation talk is burning my ears, pregnancy kits have huge toplines and evenings are spent discussing the joys of motherhood with people who made babies 25 years ago.

And during one of those days, I get my red line. Frozen I sit in the loo — delighted and lost all at the same time.

The phones are ringing but my head is too busy figuring what I am going to be saying at work the next day.

My boss gives me a picture perfect reply — a big hug and then gently asks me the plan when I am on maternity leave later in the year. My mom’s delighted that I met the Mission Pregnant@30 deadline, and everyone around is generally gurgling with excitement.

Burps and tears

Soon enough I start swelling and waddling all at the same time, and a magical glow appears on my face as a result of the six Kit Kats I am stuffing everyday.

At work, people seem to be staring at my tummy more than my face; my baby choses to kick hard b/w rough meetings and suddenly I start puking at everything orange. I even try faking some morning sickness but give up a few bored days later.

My baby arrives soon after and thus begins the unending cycle of POO, PEE, FEED, BURP, REPEAT. I feel like a cow and grow into one too; with the occasional shopping urge killed by the sales person pulling out the extra large size from the rack.

Days are spent brooding or thinking about whether this is the end of my life or the beginning of the end.

I try very hard to answer emails piled in the inbox, even drag myself to work for a whiff of what I was; but give up, as my body is working at half the speed of my brain.

My self esteem hits in all time low — and this is months before my son will even start to recognise me.

Disappearing workforce

So is onset of motherhood so scary for a working woman: Yes can be and no one prepares you for it. There is an unbelievable halo associated with motherhood and no one tells you that this will change everything — from your body to your priorities.

What they also don’t tell you is that the biological clock and the career clock don’t work together so just when you are priming at work; chances are you are planning a baby.

The truth is that in many countries like India; women workforce takes a sharp hit after pregnancy. But the scare isn’t the statistics — it’s the regressive evaluation and the enforced guilt by peers, family colleagues… practically everyone close to you.

“An ambitious workaholic” if she goes back to work too soon; or dead and over, if she doesn’t! This soon rolls into social pressure on kids who are asked if there mom loves them enough! Have sometimes even heard women glorifying their work as a “sacrifice” to their kids. Really Why? Why are we so inherently apologetic about chasing our choices?

In a fairly direct conversation with my 7 year old, I tell him that mommy loves her work as much as he loves football and just like he wants to kick ass and be Messi, she wants to work and make a mark too.

Miraculously he understands and we close the conversation over a bowl of Maggi and a large glass of Coke. It’s been 2 years since — I have never questioned him about his hours at football, and he hasn’t my love for work.

Originally published at blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com on January 28, 2016.

