Donn Durante
Lucid State
Published in
1 min readSep 11, 2016


Slowly Killing the Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs

“…there is rapidly developing a soil shortage on your planet. That is, you are running out of good soil in which to grow your food. This is because soil needs time to reconstitute itself, and your corporate farmers have no time. They want land that is producing, producing, producing. So the age-old practice of alternating growing fields from season to season is being abandoned or shortened. To make up for the loss of time, chemicals are being dumped into the land in order to render it fertile faster. Yet in this, as with all things, you cannot develop an artificial substitute for Mother Nature which comes even close to providing what She provides.”

— Neale Donald Walsch

As I read this, I thought about how there’s a tendency to treat our bodies like corporate farmers do the top soil. In order to stay “highly productive,” we work more and rest less. We may turn to caffeine or other stimulants to artificially energize our bodies to keep going. This can help with short-term results but in the long term, we’re depleting our natural abilities and slowly killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

