Building A Strong Foundation
Make your life fit your lifestyle!
You are a unique person with a unique life. Sure, you may share common characteristics with other people, like careers, hobbies, and interests. But beyond that, when you factor in your beliefs, values, lifestyle, habits, likes, and dislikes, you are as unique as a snowflake. Face it, there is no one else quite like you.
So, when it comes to building a healthy mind and body, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. You need to build a foundation of healthy habits that fit your needs and desires.
What foods should you eat, what diet should you follow, should you do cross fit or Zoomba? Keto or vegan? Fasting?
Top experts should be used as a reference, not as a bible
Experiment and see what works for you and fits your lifestyle. Use a wide variety of references but go deep into the ones that resonate with you.
For years, I have followed some of the top experts in fitness, nutrition, meditation, and human performance. I am a bit of a nut when it comes to learning and hacking my brain and body.
Learning from the best and brightest is the fastest way to improve any aspect of your life because these luminaries have already done the hard work of figuring…