Spirituality, Channeling & Inspiration through LUCID DREAMING — Is it possible to meet your future self in a Lucid Dream? (A True Story!)
I decided to share with all of you, the Luciding readers, one of my experiences of Lucid Dreaming.
This experience had a significant impact on my life in many different ways.
· It helped me to discover a new big passion, writing, and how never to experience writer’s block.
· It helped me to find my big dream/goal, and create a massive project, which has the power to change humanity as we know it.
· It helped me to be inspired and write “The Book That Writes Itself,” which will be a series.
· It helped me to be inspired and start writing the book “Lucid Twin Flames.”
As you understand, Lucid Dreaming made me want to change my career entirely, as well as my path in life. A medical doctor becoming a writer or the creator of a vast imaginary project that does not exist anywhere on the planet till now? Who knows?
But let’s see how it all started.
Maybe you have read some information about “The Book That Writes Itself,” where I state that this book was received from the Akashic Records and literally speaking from my future self, a woman by the name “Maya.”
Well, it is 100% true.
From a very young age, I was experimenting on Lucid Dreaming and, when I discovered that I could bend reality, or receive guidance through Lucid Dreaming, it became the most fantastic hobby a kid can have!
I have read in some books that there is a specific map in “dreamland.” That people can meet in particular cities of that map, and so on.
So, I started to sleep with that intention.
One night, I found a website that asked visitors to send a letter to their future selves.
My imagination usually runs wild, so I could get into that intense feeling that I was contacting my future self.
And as modern science says, “Imagination makes electrons move. Imagination creates realities!”
After finishing the letter, I fell asleep.
I found myself in a strange place.
It was a blue forest, big blue trees, strange blue flowers -everything was blue in there!
I love the blue color, so I was walking around, admiring that beautiful landscape. Suddenly, I observed a tree upside down on the ground. Its roots were the top of the tree.
It was enough of a trigger to make me wonder, “Am I dreaming?”
I looked at my hands. I tried to drag my little finger with the intention to make it bigger than all my other fingers and YES, I had a huge little finger!
A smile was painted across my face: “hehe OK. I am dreaming!”
“I want to fly!” I said. And I started flying before my sentence was completed.
“Hey, you!” a voice suddenly sounded so loud. It was like God’s voice, but it was a female voice.
I looked around.
“I can’t see you!” I yelled.
“Here, here! Grab my hand!”
A very long but slim and delicate hand appeared in front of my face.
I grabbed the hand and floated, as I held it in midair. It was dragging me over as it was becoming shorter and shorter.
When it returned to normal, I was next to a beautiful lady with almost transparent blue wings!
“Ah! Wings! I want, too!” was the first thing I said.
“Then create your own wings!” she answered with a smile.
I created my wings, and we were sitting both on the branch of a blue tree.
“So, how is life treating you, Korina? Have you written your book, yet?”
“Ehm…you know my name. I guess you are my subconscious and you tell me to write a book. I started one a few days ago. You liked it?”
I was in the mood to play with my subconscious. It has always been fun to puzzle it through Lucid Dreaming.
“Korina, I am not your subconscious. You went to sleep with the intention to meet someone in Lucid Dream and longing at the same time to contact your future self, right?”
“Right…what??? You mean you are my future self???”
“What year are you living in?” I asked, a bit anxious and excited at the same time.
“We don’t count time as you do,” she said unruffled.
“What do you mean? Oh, please, explain everything!”
“Well, the universe YOU are living in is a matrix and in this matrix, you need to measure time in a linear fashion. But when you go out of the matrix, you realize there is no past, present, and future. Everything is one, so there is no need anymore to count time, years, days, and so on. I am your last future self. The one who has made it to the Source.”
“Wow!” I exclaimed, shocked, nearly fallen off the branch.
She grabbed me by the hand again and moved me back to the branch.
“OK. What do I have to do?” I asked, able to detect now profound wisdom in her eyes.
“You should finish that book you started.”
“Yes, alright. I would love that but I observed inspiration comes when I am in pain and I don’t like that.”
“Pain doesn’t really exist, and it is an illusion. You were feeling that illusion when you first started to write your book, but tell me, it was like watching a movie going on in front of you and you just had to describe it, right?”
“It was me sending you the right vibrations, the info, the file if you would like to name it. I was sending you the file of the book from the Akashic Records. We started to write this book together. Do you like this idea?”
“Ehm…it’s OK, I guess…” I didn’t know what to say. I was getting more and more shocked.
“Well, If you like, you can continue the book, and I will give you a big surprise as a gift! Do you want me to?”
“I love surprises!” I answered.
“Great! Deal?” she asked, stretching her hand towards me.
«Deal!” I replied, laughing, thinking that this is not real. Anyway, this is just a dream and I should have fun, instead of being shocked by it.
The sound of my alarm clock was trying to snap me out of this lucid dream.
“I am leavingggg ” I screamed, as she started to fade in front of my eyes.
“My name is Maya, call me whenever you need me,” she said, waving her hand.
The next night, when I finished working with my patients, I sat on my desk and opened the word file where I had written the first 25 pages a few days earlier.
I started to think how it should continue. I thought of two different ways, but neither of them felt right.
So, I turned my head towards the ceiling and said:
“OK, Maya. If you are real, send me the continuation of the book.”
Immediately, images like a movie started to play inside my head: images, dialogues, a real movie.
I couldn’t help it. I had to write. To write fast, as fast as I could, to keep up with this strange “movie.”
A book of 400 pages was finished in 49 hours of total writing.
Maya was there every single moment.
One night, I decided to write a Facebook note about my book.
I had been writing for half hour. When I finished and checked what I had written, I was shocked (again!). It was not something about the book. It was a massive project, the Magic Project, which can change humanity as we know it.
It was Maya’s surprise that was already received.
If you are curious about the project, you can have a look at the following video. Was made to be used as a pre-crowdfunding trailer.
Also, you can check the dialogue I had with the famous, wonderful Richard Bach about how books can be channeled because the same thing has happened to him with his most famous book Jonathan Livingston.
Korina Lymnioudi : Pilot, Medical & Holistic Doctor, Writer, Homeopathy, Energy Medicine, Frequency Medicine, Lucid Dream Coaching, Life & Love coaching, Subconscious Reprogramming, Hypnosis, Change Reality Techniques, Manifestation Coaching.