Meet a Blockchain Developer: Enddy Dumbrique

The Lucidity Developer Corner
4 min readApr 19, 2018

Welcome to the first entry in our “Meet a Blockchain Developer” series where we — you guessed it — meet a blockchain developer. First up is Enddy Dumbrique. *Disclaimer: these answers are completely candid and mostly unfiltered. He actually said these things.

First thing’s first. What’s your name and what do you do?
I’m Enddy. Jack of all trades, master of none. Also, I’m a blockchain engineer.

Any nicknames we should know about?
Double D’s. N-dizzle. GOAT. Lover.

Yeah, I just have a lot of love in my heart.

So how did you get started in blockchain? What drew your interest?
I think the first time I really started following blockchain was when they thought they found Satoshi Nakamoto. It was like news everywhere. Obviously, it wasn’t him, but I wanted to know why people cared about this person. So I started reading up on cryptocurrencies and blockchain and such.

That’s when I discovered Vitalik (creator of Ethereum). I think that dude is so funny. His outfits are on point. There’s one where he’s wearing all purple with some kind of “cat” bag. And I was like, how can I be more like him. At least in my closet. I’m gonna be that guy for Halloween, no joke.

Anyway, I decided to get into what this guy’s into — see what he’s about. I had been working as a developer for a while now and Lucidity came along at almost the perfect time to make the leap.

Vitalik Buterin with his “Cat” Bag

Does your mom have any idea what you do?
Nah, she still thinks I work at Costco. Doesn’t have the slightest clue of what I do.

If you had to explain what you do to your mom, what would you say?
That’s so difficult. I would somehow have to explain it within her limited understanding of the Internet. The only thing she really knows about the Internet is Facebook. So maybe I’d go: “You know Facebook? I can make something like that.” Which really only starts to describe my work as a developer and literally has nothing to do with blockchain. I mean, I in no way develop social networks.

Maybe I’d start with the idea of what a smart contract is and compare that to a real-world contract. Basically, the Internet needs a way to validate things that happen on the Internet so I help build those contracts. Something like that.

What do you think is a common misconception about blockchain?
That it’s super complex. A lot of jargon gets tossed around like “smart contracts” and Ethereum and Plasma which make the tech sound really fancy. But it’s really rather simple. It’s just a way of storing information so people can’t mess with it but everyone has access to it.

If you had one tip for aspiring blockchain developers, what would it be?
I’d recommend that any new developer take the time to learn how to code standard languages first before you concentrate on blockchain languages like Solidity. Blockchain is still very much in its infancy as a technology and we’re not entirely sure where it’s going to go next. Create a solid foundation for yourself as a developer. Then move into blockchain.

If you weren’t working in blockchain, where do you think you’d like to work?
I’d want to be a real engineer. Like a chemical engineer. Maybe even Aerospace.

There’s something even more tangible to products in those industries than coding. It’s hard though because I really feel like I ended up where I wanted to be. So while I might want to experience those other industries for a bit, I still think I’d prefer this world. Also, professional dancer would be dope.

What’s your favorite thing about working at Lucidity
Oh wow. So much to talk about. Our culture is the best part, for sure. We each have so much respect for what the others do. We embrace everyone’s ideas. We’re comfortable challenging each other. Everyone is fun. Also, Tendergreens is a great lunch spot and our Equinox gym membership. Prime location.

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Originally published at on April 19, 2018.



The Lucidity Developer Corner

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