3 design tips to make your flyers stand out

Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2017
Guest post contributed by JC Curry

How to create an engaging message to go along with your product is a conundrum that many entrepreneurs face.

With more and more people getting in on creative design, it’s important to be proactive on learning the latest design and marketing techniques.

But how do you find the balance between staying true to your brand message and creating a piece that will stand out and engage people?

Here’s a head start: Browse our gallery of free flyer templates, and customize your favorites for free, right here in Lucidpress.

It’s all in the look

You have a great message. It’s unique, it’s smart, and many people can benefit from what you have to offer. But how do you translate that to a brief and all-encompassing flyer at a quick glance?

Create a focal point. What’s the first thing that you want people to know? A great design will come from engaging a reader or user with that first focus. To develop a unique focal point, consider the following:

  • Choice of image should represent your level of professionalism. The quality of your image is the most important piece. If the picture is dull and unclear, then your message will be translated as dull and unclear to the reader. If it is too silly or irrelevant for your brand, this will affect the reader’s opinion as well. Include a high quality, crystal clear and visible image that emanates your passion and attention to detail.
  • Color usage is key. The colors you choose should reflect your brand and service, but they should also stand out and have an eye-catching effect. If the image you choose has color, find a subtle but active color in the image. Use that as the color around the flyer. Whether you’re creating boxed-in graphics for text or using color for the text itself, let it pop!
  • Tie it all together with the right typeface and font. The binding agent to bring it all to life is your choice of lettering. You’ve got a great image and color for your graphics. Have a strong finish by finding the right typeface and font. The decision isn’t about what your personal preference is (although you should resonate with the choice). The typeface and font should be readable, clean, and reflective of your brand.

Less is more

Highlight your main content. You’ve got beautiful graphics all put together: the image, the color and the lettering. But what do those things say, really?

You only have a couple of seconds to capture the eye of your potential customer. The first second is about capturing the reader’s attention with the imagery. You have one more second to hook them in with your product.

Short, succinct, to-the-point content about what your product is, how it is beneficial, and why it’s everything your potential customer needs has to be achieved in just a couple of words. Are you a dog walker that can calm the most hyper of dogs? Sell it! Are you a musician that can teach the most inexperienced person how to play an instrument? Prove it!

Here are some ways to grab the reader’s attention:

  • Create a catchy one-liner. Develop a clever description that will draw the most attention to your offering and product.
  • Give proper attention to detail. Nothing will turn a potential customer away faster than your flyer having grammatical, spelling or other errors. Say it smart, say it correctly.
  • Use actionable words. Your product or service could be the best out there, but if a user doesn’t know what it’s for, why would they buy it? Go back to the focal point — make your product offering stand out by drawing more attention through active verbs. Here’s a list of action words that will help you brainstorm.

Create an enticing offer

Make the sale. You’ve grabbed the customer’s attention. They stuck around for the 2 seconds you needed them to. So how will you reward that attention?

If a customer decides to buy from you, give them a unique offering. Here are few ways to give back to the potential customer:

  • Give a discount. People love discounts. It’s a simple way to close the deal, and people feel as though they are being gifted.
  • Invite the reader for a “test drive.” Make your product attainable and relatable. A free consultation is a great encourager, and it automatically builds a relationship.
  • Give a referral bonus. As a segue from a discount, allow the customer to interact with your brand. Brand interaction and engagement is a direct line to creating a personal connection, and personal connection creates the pathway to a sale.

Remember, it’s all in the details. No matter what your message is, pay attention to the little pieces to make your piece not just pop, but explode. Create a flyer that you not only feel good about, but makes others feel good too!

Ready to create your own eye-popping flyers? Browse our gallery of free flyer templates, and customize your favorites for free in Lucidpress.

About JC Curry

JC Curry is the owner of Allstar Printing Company located in Austin, Texas.

Originally published at www.lucidpress.com.




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