2022 — Investments Overview

lucimix investments
4 min readFeb 2, 2023
2022 — the year of the bear market

The year is over! It’s time to make a balance of all my investments.

The next points summarize the evolution of my investments throughout 2022:

  • I invested more (68% more than in 2021)
  • I was more consistent investing over the year
  • 66% of the all money invested was on the first 6 months
  • I started investing on a pension fund
  • The year ended with all of my investments on the red

Events that continues to influence negatively the investment world:

  • High Inflation Rates: Portugal, the country where I live at the moment, have an 8% forecast. (However, I feel it more as an increase of 20 or 30% in my day to day)
  • Ukraine War: allied with the high inflation rate, some raw materials and energy are a lot more expensive.
  • Money is more expensive with the growth of the Federal Fund and Euribor Rates. I believe that this is the main point that will influence the economy during 2023. People will have credits more expensive, it will cause less consumption and as a consequence, unemployment will increase. In short, people will spend less money.

Amount Invested in 2022

During 2022 I invested a total of 10914,76€. More 1914,76€ than I proposed. I had some extra income on the first half of the year what I took advantage to reinforce my portfolio.

Accumulated amount invested over 2022

Over 2022, I also introduced a new product to my portfolio, an pension fund. I started this fund thinking that it would increase in value, but also to take advantage of tax benefits that can be €375 per year in returns. The only drawback to obtaining this benefit is that I’m only available to withdraw the money when I turn 60.

Other relevant points:

  • I invested more in stocks
  • I practically didn’t invest in P2P
  • I was more regular investing on fund pension
2022 — total invested by product type

Portfolio Value

At the end of the year, all my portfolio worth 14767,33€.


  • Total invested: 10914,76€
  • Value from 2020: 16615€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 14767,33€
  • Profit/Losses: -12762,43€

My portfolio worth less at the end of 2022 than at the end of 2021. Even when I invested more than 10,000€ over the year. It seems that I invested 10000€ for a black hole.

I justify this loss of value mainly for the following reasons:

  • 2022 was a bad year for all types of investments
  • Crypto market dropped more than 70% and in the end of 2021 represented 45% of my portfolio. Today represents less than 20%.
  • I invested mainly on the stock market over 2022

Overall evolution (Since the beggining of 2021)

  • From 2020: 4936€
  • Total invested (2021 and 2022): 17404,76€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 14767,33€
  • Profit/Losses: -5743,57€ (-33.9%)

Only on P2P I have a positive result…

Portfolio evolution over 2022

My portfolio value over the year 2021 and 2022

I reforced my stock position a lot, and with the devaluation of cryptos it ended up calibrating my portfolio to something that makes more sense to me. I still want to increate my pension fund and cut a little on P2P and crypto.

Portfolio distribution 2022/12/31


  • Portfolio Value: 2834,79€

I only have ethereum and bitcoin. I haven’t paid much attention to the crypto market however I still want to have it on my portfolio.


Stocks/ETFs Portfolio Results:

  • Total invested: 7005€
  • Portfolio Value: 8760,52€
Stocks (excluding ETF’s)

At the moment I have investments on 6 products:

Stocks I own — 31/12/2022


  • Value: 1506€

I have 22 units of the ETF (iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Acc))

Pension Fund

  • Total invested: 1983,76€
  • Value from 2021: 0€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 1913,65€ (-3,5%)

P2P Lending Portfolio Results

  • Total invested: 240€
  • Value from 2021: 942,50€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 1258,37€ (+6%)

Main goals for 2023:

  • Start investing on other products (collectibles)
  • Keep the same amount of investment per month from 2022 (it will be very difficult because I’m predicting to have more expenses)
  • I need to have a second source of income (despite my main job)



lucimix investments

IT guy with curiosity in investments and entrepreneurship.