2023 — My portfolio — First half of the year

lucimix investments
3 min readJul 17, 2023


Photo by Daniel K Cheung on Unsplash

Hi everyone!

Here’s another update of my investments. It has been a journey of considerable duration, and I am hopeful that it will not only provide me with valuable learning experiences but also, if possible, generate substantial returns in the future. In parallel, I share this information with you believing that it can be useful in some way.

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For me, the market is currently uncertain

Despite the positive first half of the year, I believe that the world of investments still retains some fragility:

  • Despite our efforts to control inflation, high interest rates pose significant challenges for individuals with loans, particularly those associated with the real estate market.
  • People cannot afford new houses anymore on some important markets like the US.
  • The war in Ukraine continues. At any moment, there may be changes that could impact the entire planet.

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The next points summarize the changes of my investments through the first half of 2023:

  • I invested a lot less: only 52% of what I have committed for this first semester (-68% than same period in 2022).
  • It is in the pension fund that I invest more consistently.
  • A lot of the money I’ve put in as invested, in fact, it is just set aside to apply to new opportunities that appear on the stock market.
  • I started investing in collectibles to be resold later (less than 3% of my portfolio)

Amount Invested on the first half of 2023

I invested an total of 2322,97€.

Accumulated amount invested over first half of 2023
First half of 2023 — invested by product type

Portfolio Value

At the end of June, all my portfolio worth 18191,98€.

First 6 months overview:

  • Total invested: 2322,97€
  • Value from 2022: 14767,33€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 18191,98€
  • Profit/Losses: 1101,68€ (related to the end of 2022)
  • Value reserved: 4508,66€

Back to positive values ​​after a very negative 2022. However, I could have better results if I had applied the 4508,66€ I have in “standby”.

Overall evolution (Since the beggining of 2021)

  • From 2020: 4936€
  • Total invested (2021, 2022 and 1st half 2023): 17404,76€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 18191,98€
  • Profit/Losses: -4148,78€ (-22%)

Portfolio evolution

At the moment, I am not disappointed with my investments. The value is close to my maximum valuation and I have some money ready (reserved) to invest. If I find opportunities that I consider good, the value of my portfolio can increase considerably.

Portfolio distribution 2023/06/30


  • Portfolio Value: 2834,79€
  • Total invested (1st half 2023): 0

Currently the money is not applied, only allocated on an exchange.


Stocks/ETFs Portfolio Results:

  • Total invested (1st half 2023): 1200€
  • Portfolio Value: 10836,67€
Stocks (excluding ETF’s)

At the moment I have investments on 5 products:

Stocks I own — 30/06/2023


  • Value: 1683€

I have 22 units of the ETF (iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Acc))

Pension Fund

  • Total invested: 720€ (1st half 2023); 2703,76€ (from the beginning)
  • Value from 2022: 1913,65€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 2775,41€ (+2,5%)

P2P Lending Portfolio Results

  • Total invested: 0
  • Value from 2022: 1258,37€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 1293,86 € (+2,8%)



lucimix investments

IT guy with curiosity in investments and entrepreneurship.