Overview of my Portfolio Investments in 2021

lucimix investments
5 min readDec 31, 2021
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

A year has passed since I started invested more seriously. The global balance is that I enjoy to do this journey in the world of finance investments and the results are very positive. I learn a lot, I become more disciplined on my personal finances. However, I also identify some aspects that I absolutely should improve.

Amount Invested in 2021

This year I invested a total of 6490€. Less 710€ than I proposed. On my first publication on this site I committed myself to invest 600€ each month (7200€/year). Despite having missed the goal, I’m happy with the consistence that I got (but far from perfect).

Amount invested over 2021

It was difficult to invest in some months…

In the first 6 months I was very consistent, however on the second half of the year, I had some trouble managing the value to invest each month.

I showed some inconsistency in my investments because:

  • Even in a pandemic, I travel more than I’m used to. My girlfriend is from other continent and the travels are very expensive. (more than 50 thousand km’s on air)
  • I didn’t give up on vacation and I spent more than expected
  • I’m not tracking all of my expenses
  • Unexpected expenses due to some personal events

Almost two thirds of my investments went to stocks/ETFs. The crypto market are always very volatile and more risky, so I invested less. On P2P, I feel that I’m still validating that kind of the market, so I just invested 10% of all my investments.

2021 — total invested by product type
2021 — total invested by product type

Portfolio Value

At the end of the year, all my portfolio worth 16615€.

  • Total invested: 6490€
  • Value from 2020: 4936€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 16615€
  • Profit: 5189€ (+31%)

This year I made more than 5000€ doing practically nothing. This is the same as receiving 415€ each month. Represents more than 30% of my overall portfolio!

In reality, this only becomes a profit if today I liquidate all my investments, but I want to continue on my journey!

In total, my portfolio growth 336%, from 4936€ to 16615€, which makes me very proud! This is one of the best decisions I made in my life: start investing!

…this is just the beginning of the journey…

Evolution over the year

In general, my portfolio had a regular growth over the months:

My portfolio value over the year 2021

Over 2021 I was calibrating the type of investments on my portfolio. In January 2021, cryptocurrencies represented more than 70% of my investments. Today, it decreases to 45%. On other hand, the stocks market came from 22% to 42%.

Portfolio distribution 2021/12/31


  • Portfolio Value Today: 7490€

I have to admit, a large part of my earnings came from cryptocurrencies. Throughout the year I was calibrating my portfolio due to the disproportionate growth of cryptocurrencies in some periods. I made some moves to pass value from cryptocurrencies to the stock market. Because of this, It’s more difficult to identify how much I made only on crypto market but I would risk a value very close or higher to 100%.

In these last two months of the year I decided to diversify a little more on the cryptocurrency market. Right now I’m investing in 13 different cryptocurrencies according to the chart below.

My current Crypto Currencies Application at 2021/12/31

The cryptocurrencies market has suffered a lot in the last two months. That’s why my results weren’t even better!

My Crypto Currencies Portfolio Values over 2021


Stocks/ETFs Portfolio Results:

  • Portfolio Value Today: 8195,93€
  • Profit: 760,86€ (+9,2%)

At the moment I only have investments on 6 products:

Stocks I own — 31/12/2021


  • Value: 1267€

I have 16 units of the ETF (iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Acc))

P2P Lending Portfolio Results

  • Total invested: 610€
  • Value from 2020: 265€
  • Portfolio Value Today: 942,5€
  • Profit: 67,5€ (+7,16%)

More than 7% returns. It is within the value I expected. I intend to continue investing on 2022.

My P2P Lending Application by Platform — 2021/12/31

My intentions to 2022

New sources of income

My main goal for the next year is to get new sources of income. I consider this crucial at this moment, I need to grow my portfolio value investing more money! For this I need more monthly income.

I pretend to invest some of my time on new projects like:

  • creating online products (software app, ebook, …)
  • freelancing

Increase the value to invest monthly

Last year I commited myself to invest 600€/month. In 2022, I want to invest 700€/month. The increase of 100€ is justify because I have margin for that (and maybe more), and it’s also a way to compensate the money that I didn’t invest in 2021.

I’m 35, I need to have more time for me. So I want to get the FIRE as soon as possible!

Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash



lucimix investments

IT guy with curiosity in investments and entrepreneurship.