Start creating my first on-line product

lucimix investments
2 min readJan 16, 2022
Photo by Rob Hampson on Unsplash

On the previous posts I write several times that I need to increase sources of income. I had few ideas, not sure what will be the best one, but i believe that if I’m still thinking that way, i’ll never get any further. I just have to choose one and move forward with the project! It’s by doing that I will see if it was a good choice or not.

So I decided that I’m gonna develop an software product. As a software developer, I already have the knowledge I only need the time. However, I’m conscious that even with product finished, that is only a little part of the all picture. I need to be worry about marketing, design, partners, business model, security, etc.

I’m going to build a software that helps people to track all of their investments with the personal goals in mind. I have this idea because I’m always struggling managing everything on my portfolio of investments, and I need an easy way to track it all. I use several excel files to manage and create a several info graphics to get an easier read. I’m sure that exists an several people that have the same struggle as me. Already exists several apps that allows me to invest my expenses and investments, but it never fits to me in perfect… It seem they all are oriented to manage expenses and not investments. To be a perfect system, despite wanting it to have features in order to centralize the management of my investments, I have the ambition of being this information directly from the exchanges.

I’m not sure about the business model, but will be Software as a Services (SaaS) that offers an mobile and web app. I think I will get partnership with some people of the financial area to contribute to application and also promove it on their social media.

At the moment I’m only in the beginning, but I wish to show a real prototype in a few weeks (at least for my future partners).

That’s it for now. This is my new project, I also have others that I think it could fit in the future, but now I decided to do something that I’m good and I enjoy (software programming and finance) and then I’ll see.



lucimix investments

IT guy with curiosity in investments and entrepreneurship.