My CSC Apply and Selection Experience!

Luciana Freitas
Lucirt pelo Mundo
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2018

CSC Thailand 3 — #ibmcsc #cscthailand3

Yes!! I was selected to IBM CSC!! It’s a dream coming true!

For those who are not IBMers let me explain what CSC is! The Corporate Service Corps simultaneously delivers excellence in leadership development and impact for communities facing critical challenges while demonstrating IBM’s innovation in skills, technology and citizen diplomacy. Since its launch in 2008, the Corporate Service Corps (CSC) program has contributed over 3000 participants on over 275 teams to nearly 40 countries around the world, delivering over $70 million in market value consulting in more than 1000 projects. More information about this amazing program can be found on IBM site —

I’ve always wanted to apply for the CSC program and I’ve waited 11 years to apply for it! I had an amazing manager that I felt comfortable to discuss this opportunity and we agreed on proceed with it! In March 2017 I’ve written my package after talking with some friends who have already participated in the program.

After a long year waiting in October 2017 I received an email: Congratulations and Welcome to the Corporate Service Corps!! WOW! In my first application I WAS SELECTED!!

After that, there came another long waiting (yes for CSC participants 4 months looks like an eternity). You see other participants being assigned and you are still waiting for months! (what if something happened and they forgot my name on the list? :S ) and finally I received the most expected email -Congratulations!! — You have been invited to join the Thailand 3 — CSC Team!! THAILAND?? OMG, OMG, OMG!

For those who know me I like to travel A LOT and Thailand was a place that was on my wish list. So that destiny was such an amazing experience where I will be able to contribute to a community and be able also to visit get to know this amazing country.

In the next days after receiving the notification you must confirm if you are available for the opportunity. I was recently assigned for a very important and critical project on my organization, and when talking to my manager she said: Lu, this might not be a good time for you to go! (if you are too busy in a project you and your manager can reject this opportunity and you’ll put back to the waiting list) I was so upset and she noticed on my face and she said: Go talk to the project lead and ask his opinion. I did not know the project lead before being assigned to this project and we were having the first meetings about the project and I was not sure how he would accept this information in this very beginning, but I had the courage to say. When I told him the news his reaction couldn’t be better and he said: Lu this is a lifetime experience and you MUST GO! We will figure out how to cover you during your CSC experience.

What a relief! Then I’ve started working on the paperwork and confirmed my attendance in the program!!!

To be continued!

* The postings on this blog are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.

