Lucius Digital Event: Blockchain enables better Work Management

Joris Snoek
Lucius Digital | Blog
3 min readJun 1, 2016

Blockchain right now is like the web in 1994. It will revolutionize our world and way of working together.

Want to know more? Please visit our event:

  • Date: Wednesday 6 July 2016
  • Location: WeWork Metropool — Weesperstraat 61, Amsterdam
  • Free entrance



18:00u Doors open

18:15u Why bother about blockchain? — Henk van Cann

What is it, how it is used best and why anyone should get into blockchain technology. Henk will give his insights on how the blockchain works and what it can do for you. He will examine and explain the blockchains that dominate much of the crossover space from crypto-currency, e-identity to blockchain technology:

Bitcoin, Ethereum, NXT and Hyperledger.

He will also show how to judge what is true and false in the increasingly hyped news and opinions about the benefits of blockchain.
In addition, Van Cann will give examples of how this technology is going to change your work and life. It is an interactive session.

Bio Henk van Cann

In recent years Henk van Cann (@henkvancann) has been gathering knowledge and contacts within the blockchain technology field, focussing on applications for e-identity issues (your digital ‘me’).

Van Cann will share his experiences from a number of recent conferences he attended on the subject of blockchain and e-Identity: Consensys May 2016 conference, Dutch Blockchain June 2016 Conference, Conference e-Identity and doing business digitally, June 2016.

19:15u Break

19:30u What you can learn from Blockchains in Work management systems like OpenLucius — Joris Snoek

Aimed at small & medium sized organisations OpenLucius connects to Bitcoin, Ethereum, NXT and Hyperledger. Joris (@joris_lucius) wil address the three main problems blockchain can solve that could not be solved before for users of OpenLucius. These principles are general tough, every visitor could apply them on his/hers own situation in (working) life.
Briefly Snoek demonstrates the functions that aim to solve these problems within OpenLucius. A discussion about where to take OpenLucius from here could follow and Joris is open to that.

Bio Joris Snoek

Joris Snoek is an experienced online entrepreneur since 2004 and director with a passion for online collaboration in social intranets founder and CEO of OpenLucius: “I love to work on improving teamwork and finding new ways to collaborate more effective together via social intranets. Always thinking of better ways to organize and motivate staff to get the maximum results and help them to reach their personal and business goals.

20:30u End


