The Oort cloud and the Void

Lucky Griffin
Lucky Griffin and other short stories
2 min readFeb 2, 2023
Aliens clings onto time machine
Alien Clings Onto Time Machine In Oort Cloud

Once upon a time, in a far-off corner of our universe, there lived a team of astronauts who were on a mission to explore the mysterious Oort cloud. This vast region was believed to contain comets, asteroids, and other celestial bodies, and the team was eager to find out what secrets it held.

As they traveled through the dark and desolate cloud, they suddenly picked up strange signals from an unknown source. They followed the signals and soon came upon a strange object floating in the void.

As they approached it, they were amazed to find that it was a giant spaceship belonging to an alien race. They were even more stunned when the door of the spaceship opened, and a group of strange creatures stepped out to greet them.

The aliens were unlike anything the team had ever seen before. They had multiple limbs and glowing eyes, and they communicated through a series of clicks and chirps. Despite their differences, the astronauts and aliens quickly formed a bond, and the team was soon invited aboard the spaceship.

Over the next few days, the team explored the ship and learned about the alien’s fascinating culture and technology. They even discovered that the Oort cloud was the site of an ancient battle between the aliens and an evil entity known as the Void.

The team soon found themselves caught up in the conflict, as the Void returned to threaten the Oort cloud once again. The astronauts and aliens worked together to defeat the Void, using their combined strengths to vanquish the evil and save the Oort cloud from destruction.

With the danger now gone, the team returned to Earth, filled with incredible stories of their adventure among the stars. They had discovered not only new wonders of the universe but also the true meaning of friendship and cooperation across the galaxy.



Lucky Griffin
Lucky Griffin and other short stories

I am a writing and web developement professional with a background in Industrial Engineering.