LuckyMeta Launched on DappRadar

Published in
Jul 7, 2022

LuckyMeta was listed on DappRadar, the world’s #1 NFT and DeFi store, on July 7, 2022. DappRadar has brought high-quality decentralized application insights to users around the world since 2018 and has quickly become a trusted source of industry information.

Today, DappRadar is the starting point for dapp discovery — hosting 11,542 dapps from over 48 protocols — providing comprehensive NFT valuation and portfolio management, and leading the way in data-led, actionable industry reporting.

The listing of LuckyMeta on DappRadar not only greatly increases the attention of users and investors, but also means that LuckyMeta has gained a certain status in the field of web 3.0. The technology, ecological economy, number of users, and community have all been recognized by the industry, and the prospect is worth looking forward to.

LuckyMeta DApp Link:

Check on DappRadar:

