Downtime Done Right with Ludena Protocol

Ludena Protocol
Ludena Protocol
Published in
4 min readJan 2, 2020

You finally have some free time and, again, you find yourself flopping on the couch and spending all that precious you time just playing on your phone. Whether it be scrolling through Instagram, watching countless YouTube videos or playing mobile games, you’re spending all of that time all alone… for, wait, how many hours?

What you don’t know is that you’re actually not alone, not whatsoever, since over 70% of all Americans, too, play games on their mobile devices, alone. Sure, some might argue that playing with your phone isn’t the most productive way to spend your time, but no one can argue that playing games with friends is much better than playing by yourself.

With so many potential playmates out there, there really is no reason why we shouldn’t be playing with one another. Better together, right? Today’s worldwide gamers agree, but struggle to find the right people to play with.

Ludena Protocol is the answer to global gamer loneliness. Originating from South Korea, this protocol is a gamer’s paradise, complete with addicting and super simple mini games, a fee-less digital item exchange and a roster of more than 200 game publisher partnerships to bring you the best deals and rewards for playing the games you love.

Its original mobile app, GameTalkTalk, came out in 2013 and has already accumulated over 3 million users. Members visit the app to find out what’s new in the gaming world, tips and tricks to conquer existing games and earn rewards for downloading new, upcoming games or for levelling up in existing hits, such as Lineage II. As of today, Ludena Protocol offers its users this platform to share and discuss all things gaming, however, they are currently expanding out their platform. The new DApp will include a hyper casual gaming platform that connects users from around the world to face each other in super fun mini games, because gamers really are better together.

Users can select the country and gender of users they want to be matched with and when they pick a game to play, they are instantly connected with a new friend to play with. These easy, competitive match ups can help gamers from around the world to connect with new people, in a fresh and lighthearted setting and during the match, they have the option to chat in real time through an audio setting. After the game is done, users can choose to rematch. If not, they can keep in touch through the platform’s embedded chatting service. Just like that, gamers can build out their global network, making new friends through simple and fun gameplay.

Ludena Protocol will be harnessing the use of blockchain technology to make their gamer’s paradise a utopia. Any games that users play, any likes or comments on posts, basically most in-app activity, will result in token rewards. Currently, GameTalkTalk rewards their users with stars, which can be converted to digital items, such as: Google Play store gift cards, in-game items, etc. or tangible items, such as: Menu items from Dominos Pizza, Burger King, etc. Once the DApp version is complete, users will no longer be rewarded in stars, but rather in tokens, which can be converted for the existing benefits, along with a couple new goodies.

One of the additional uses for token rewards is the ability to buy rare, digital items with no added fee on Ludena Protocol’s upcoming virtual item exchange. Existing virtual item exchanges can be riddled with verification issues, as buyers many times face the risk that they will not receive their intended purchase. Blockchain technology will help keep transactions secure and ensure that buyers receive what they paid for through smart contracts. This trading platform will be the only one of its kind that charges neither the buyer not seller any fees for listing or transacting.

Until now, GameTalkTalk has only been made available to the Korean market, but given its massive domestic success, the app will soon be offered in English to a global fanbase. GameTalkTalk’s DApp version will be on the Google Play store in early next year. Meet, play and chat with fellow gamers from around the world and get paid to do it, with Ludena Protocol.

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