What’s Up At Ludena? May 2020 Company Update!

Ludena Protocol
Ludena Protocol
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2020

With Golden Week over and the country back in the swing of things, we couldn’t think of a better time for a company update. As always, we would like to start off by saying a big thank you for your continued support!

Community Focus

Here at Ludena Protocol headquarters we have been putting a major focus on community building as we work towards the first listing of the LDN token. At the beginning of this quarter, we really stepped on the gas with our marketing efforts and our, give or take, original 100 Telegram community members shot up to over 6,500!!

Our Telegram group is not our only social channel that has seen the impact of our 2020 partnerships, development updates and articles and interviews written about us over major media platforms. We are so pleased to announce that, at the time of writing, we have over 20,000 members across our Chinese, Korean and English language communities, not including the over 93K subscribers to our YouTube. We want to give our following exciting and unique events to keep them engaged, so here’s what’s coming up next.

Buzzworthy Events

As we near the exchange listing of the LDN token, we have been focused on building an engaged community of passionate gamers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

At the end of April, we launched our first bounty event that will run until May 17th. 1,000 randomly selected winners will win $10 and 3 randomly selected winners will win $100 in LDN tokens.

For our gaming fans we will run our first Gamedrop event later this month! A Gamedrop is essentially an airdrop within a fun, Pac-man like game, where you “eat” bags of cryptocurrency and “eat” other players on the board to steal their bags. Our Gamedrop event is being hosted with our partner Agareum, and will provide a chance for users to win some free LDN tokens just by playing this game! We will provide more information on our event shortly!

Speaking of which, we held a separate LDN event for our GameTalkTalk users. The event was based on League of Legends, where winners were selected by users posting their LOL scores in the GameTalkTalk LOL group tab. Users with the top 3 high scores won Google Play store gift cards and $100’s worth of LDN.

The community feedback has been amazing so far and we have noticed some great traction and response to the Ludena Protocol project throughout respected media news channels and forums. However, this new found exposure has the community raising some valid questions, that shows us that we need to be more clear on the project’s technology and our fundamental company values.

Screengrab from a BitcoinTalk forum member posting in regards to a Ludena Protocol mention.

We are committed to maintaining clarity and transparency to our project, and therefore, are planning an AMA event on the 28th of May. Stay tuned for more details that are slated to be released on the 21st!

Business Development

We ended off last month by announcing our partnership with Chinese blockchain giant, BlockVC and are hoping to increase our market size and business opportunities within the country. In particular, with listing on the horizon, we are confident that this partnership can open the doors to exchange prospects within China.

DApp, P2P Game Development

We are on schedule in terms of our DApp version of GameTalkTalk, which is still set to be released in Q3 of this year!

In terms of our first P2P game, Super Ping Pong Challenge, which was slated for an April 31st release, we have had to push that back, due to a critical network error. The game allows users to play vs bots just fine, but when you select versing another user, some major flaws were discovered. Thankfully we caught them prior, so we are ironing them out as fast as we can and our team estimates a release within a few weeks.

From the team in Seoul: Thank you for supporting Ludena Protocol!

To find out more information about us visit our website:
Ludena Protocol, please visit: www.ludenaprotocol.io

Follow us on our socials to keep up to date:
Telegram: https://t.me/ludenaprotocol
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ludenaprotocol

