AfricaGameDev — Epic Megagrant

Douglas Ogeto
LudiqueWorks Media
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2020

LudiqueWorks is excited to partner with the AfricaGameDev project supported by Epic Games within the framework of Epic MegaGrants.

This project will be implemented in partnership with companies, schools, universities and organizations from 10 African countries who wish to develop the skills of young people passionate about the creation of video games and thus offer them new job opportunities and of creation of StartUps.

This project will target young developers between 18 and 30 years old. We will select 250 young people who will participate in the project with a quota of 25 young people from each country grouped in 5 teams who will benefit from training and coaching sessions for the production of video game prototypes or immersive applications related to the cultural heritage of their countries.

This project is a package including:

a.)training sessions,

b.)a support program for the production of prototypes

LudiqueWorks is a video game publishing and video game development company based out of Africa. With a network of 150+ studios in 30 countries across Africa.

LudiqueWorks invests in nascent video game development studios on the continent through training and funding, as well as building a growing video gaming community through the Africa Game Developers network.

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Douglas Ogeto
LudiqueWorks Media

Entrepreneur | Catalyst | Advisory | Co-Founder @Ludiqueworks | Innovation Partnerships @LiquidInTech | @sxsw Advisory Board | #edTech #eSports #gamedevs