14 absolutely mandatory things to enable fantastic teams…

Luis Gonçalves
Scrum Master Growth
3 min readFeb 21, 2016


Hi guys, with this post I want to explain 14 different characteristics of fantastic teams.

During the last two years I have been developing myself in many areas outside of Agile Software Development. One of the areas that I have studied a lot is about Organisational Relationship System Coaching (ORSC).

During this journey I was exposed to an organisation, which developed a methodology that improves team performance — Team Coaching International. This methodology mentions that every team must be strong in 14 different areas to become a high performing team. These areas are divided into two major groups: Positivity and Productivity.

Positivity Characteristics


You can speak openly and freely in your team. Team members can count on each other and are reliable. We should tell the truth even if it´s uncomfortable.


The team members are empowered to contribute their best. There is a mutual respect and positive concern. Characteristics such as contempt and hostility are not accepted.


Empathy, good humour and playfulness are appreciated. There is a strong sense of belonging to the team. The team members celebrate and accept accomplishments.


Clear and efficient communication is appreciated. What is not valued are less direct approaches such as gossiping, stonewalling or politicising.

Constructive Interaction

Conflict can arise as a mean of opportunity for discovery, creativity and growth. The team should avoid defensiveness, criticising and finger pointing. Team should give and receive feedback on timely manners.

Values Diversity

The team is open-minded and appreciates differences in ideas, perspectives, backgrounds, personalities and approaches. Diversity is crucial.


The team shares an inspiring vision. The team members are enthusiastic and appreciative of each other. There is a strong spirit of fighting together for the goal.

Productivity Characteristics

Team Leadership

There is a strong sense of team leadership. Team members contribute when the need for their leadership happens. The team leader´s role is clear and supportive.


The team correctly manages available resources and training to meet its objectives. There is an atmosphere of “win-win” rather than “win-loose.”

Decision Making

The team has clear and efficient decision making processes, which have are proven to be effective.


The team takes initiative. The team is flexible in addressing opportunities, responding positively and creatively. Change is a core to the team and it is crucial for the rest of the organisation too.


There is clarity of roles and responsibilities. When problems occur the team responds. Team members hold each other accountable for team results and team agreements.

Goals and Strategies

The team has clear, challenging goals and strategies to achieve them. The team is strong and not does not let their goals to be defeated easily.


The team values cooperation, coherence and interdependence. The team has a common mission and purpose.

If you want to be serious about this methodology you can take TCI training and become a Certified Team Facilitator. This will allow you to run assessments within your teams and provide you exact picture of what´s going on in all 14 different areas.

My goal with this blog post is to help you reflect as a Scrum Master or Agile Coach. For now I think it´s good enough if you start observing your team and start thinking what areas you could improve. If you would do a workshop with the objective of improving team performance/relationship, what kind of exercises could you design to touch on these points?

I have prepared an email course that will touch on all these and many other topics in much more detail. If you want to get informed about the course launch just subscribe HERE.

Do you think this was useful for you? Please share your thoughts and leave your comments below.

My name is Luis Gonçalves and I am an Organisational Transformation Coach and I love to write about Agile Retrospectives, Agile Retrospectives Ideas, Scrum, the role Scrum Master, and Agile in general.

I have been creating Scrum Master Training for the agile community. If you are interested in knowing more or even working with me you can find me here: Agile Coach München.



Luis Gonçalves
Scrum Master Growth

Luis Gonçalves is an Entrepreneur, Author & International Keynote Speaker. As a Management Consultant, he works with Senior Executives to improve Organisations