The 5 most asked questions about retrospectives

Luis Gonçalves
Scrum Master Growth
2 min readOct 16, 2016

This week I am leaving you with a great blog by Marc Löffler. He wrote about the 5 most frequent asked questions (about retrospectives) that he gets from people.

During the last few years, a lot of people approached me with questions about agile retrospectives. Interestingly, some of the questions are asked over and over again. So I’d like to use this chance to answer the most asked questions about this topic.

Where to get ideas/activities for retrospectives?

There are many places nowadays, to get ideas for retrospectives. If I search for some ideas how to facilitate my next retrospective, I love to use the so-called “Retromat.” It is a website which randomly generates a plan for your next retrospective. If you don’t like one of the proposals, you can easily skip browsing through the catalog to find your best fit.

Another place to look online is the “Retrospective Wiki.” The list of activities is not that big, but there are some nice gems, you can use.

If you prefer to read a book, I can recommend the following:

And if you wait another few months, you can also download an English version of my German book, which contains some activities, but also helps you to create your own ;)

To check the rest of the article simply click here.

For more information you can view this list for agile retrospectives ideas or read Tools for distributed Agile Retrospectives.

My name is Luis Gonçalves and I am an Organisational Transformation Coachand I love to write about Agile Retrospectives, Agile Retrospectives Ideas, Scrum, the role Scrum Master, and Agile in general.

I have been creating Scrum Master Training for the agile community. If you are interested in knowing more or even working with me you can find me here: Agile Coach München.Picture Credits To: Andrew Steele



Luis Gonçalves
Scrum Master Growth

Luis Gonçalves is an Entrepreneur, Author & International Keynote Speaker. As a Management Consultant, he works with Senior Executives to improve Organisations