
Image from superfamous.com

domingo! is a social travel app that inspires, offering travel ideas tailored to individual preferences. With domingo! users are able to filter destination results, consult prices, access special offers, book flights and connect with other travel enthusiasts.

This was a side project with formed by a small team made by 3 members in 2014: 1 project manager, 1 developer, 1 UX designer.

We had to face this problem: despite of the huge amount of resources that Social Media department was investing they were not generating direct revenue. And this was the challenge: monetize social media.

Around the idea of launching a new social travel app I developed a fun brand based on the concept of “domingo” (Sunday in spanish). Sunday is the day of the week for relax and inspiration so this fits perfectly with the purposes of our new brand. From naming to logo design I created the whole branding of this new travel app.

I developed the full typeface of the brand for marketing pourposes

The team together decided which features we were going to launch on the first step. We decided to start with a MVP to be more agile but fulling the backlog with a lot of great ideas to be implemented. On this first step we were recollecting a lot of data and fixing errors based on the users feedback and analytics data.

Mobile version of the responsive website

After 1 year and a half and with more than 5000 users we learned a lot and we are ready to launch the new domingo! already designed and now on development phase.

People talking about the project on the net:

Tnooz | wwwhatsnew.com | Europapress

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