One World: Unity in Respect and Love for Others

Luiza Vickers | New York, NY
Luiza Vickers
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2019

Humans have walked this earth for two million years, but there is still so much to learn about life and existence in general. What entails being human? Why is there life on earth? Why do we exist?

There are so many focal points that need attention, but perhaps one of the most pressing matters is the call for the respect that we as humans seek.

According to Luiza Vickers, every person has a particular set of beliefs, preferences, and ideals, which may be different from another person’s choices. This diversity can sometimes be conflicting and causes disparity and loss of respect for one another.

However, respect as a moral idea should be granted to each other automatically.

Luiza Vickers on Respect for Humanity

“As humans, we want to be recognized fully as a person with worth and basic rights as any person. Regardless of gender, religion, and culture, we are all entitled to respect and be respected by each other,” Vickers believes.

Kant’s philosophy regarding humanity is a strong basis for viewing each other with esteem. It touches the essence of morality, as opposed to merely being kind to others. It is only right on a Kantian standpoint to think of it as moral and, therefore, the rational thing to do.

“Yes, respect begets respect, but what happens if no one starts it to give it?” Luiza Vickers muses.

She adds that when people respect each other, it follows a waterfall effect wherein humans will also learn to value and appreciate all forms of life on earth. We can self-govern, and that enables us to apply civic consciousness effectively.

Loving One Another

“We live in one world — we breathe the same air, walk the same earth, and exist equally as humans. Ethically, we are tasked to be socially responsible for one another, and this includes loving each other simply because we exist at the same time and space,” Vickers supplements.

She further said that there is beauty in joining hearts, minds, and hands in caring for people and society as a whole. Upholding human rights is a challenge for the modern world because some people refuse to understand differences.

“Let’s remove the negativity and let respect and compassion for one another prevail,” Luiza Vickers affirms. “We should follow the ethos ‘love your neighbor as you love yourself’ because it is what makes us live better as humans.”

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Luiza Vickers | New York, NY
Luiza Vickers

Luiza Vickers was born on March 14, 1979, in Poland. Growing up in Poland at those times while not easy gave families a chance to share. New York, NY.