How to kick the procrastinator Monkey away?

Tim Urban’s theory on how to fix procrastination

Luke Kao
Luke Blog
2 min readApr 4, 2016


Tim says there are two little creatures in our brain : the rational decision maker and the instant gratification monkey.

Rational decision maker likes to do things that makes sense(only civilized human do), and instant gratification monkey likes to do things that are easy and fun(by our animal nature). Sometime we can find things that makes sense at the same time easy and fun such as eat lunch and going to bed on time.

However, most of time as procrastinator the Monkey take over our brain and we are in the dark playground — watching TV series, checking Facebook instead of spending time with families or planing the future. We feel anxious and unsatisfied.

How can we kick the procrastinator Monkey away and make the rational decision maker in control, so we can tackle hard things.

We need PANIC MONSTER!!! A.K.A. DEAELINE. When deadline comes the monkey will flee and the rational decision maker is in control.

Lesson Learn

All the task should have a deadline. All those things that have no deadlines such as go to the gym or doing your startup turn to fail and never begin because of lack of deadlines. So start setting deadlines for things that really mater? In all, life is not about flee from difficulties or escape, but to love neighbor and go to cross for them.



Luke Kao
Luke Blog

Designer/technologist strive to solve real world problems