Campfire excitement plus a trumpet solo.

Luke Hockley
Dear Self
Published in
1 min readDec 2, 2016

Dear Self,

Campfire is on tonight and I am excited about it.

I made a decision the other day to run Campfire every month for a year. That was a good decision. I am now into the phase where the first flush of energy is done and I need to turn Campfire into a sustained and sustainable thing.

In this phase I can double guess myself a lot. Worry about the thing. Undermine it.

The decision to turn up every month puts a platform under my potential self-sabotaging. It is going to be happening anyhow, so I can just keep forging forward — no existential questioning required.

What a relief.

Yesterday I got together with Dan the piano man and practiced a song we are going to perform tonight (Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah). Dan is so great to work with.

Then when I got home my friend Miles pulled out his trumpet and cranked a solo in the middle of this song.


That is the magic that Campfire brings into my life. I honestly couldn’t be happier.



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Luke Hockley
Dear Self

I create things and I teach people how to live and move like they were made to.