Rediscovering the ability to laugh at myself.

Luke Hockley
Dear Self
Published in
1 min readOct 16, 2016

Dear Self,

If I can find my mistakes funny then I know that everything is going ok.

When I lack a sense of humour about things then it is a bit of a worry. I end up with myself all locked up in a corner, taking myself seriously.

Nothing good comes of that.

It is a big clue that I have lost perspective. That I am holding on too tightly to getting something right.

This all is so easy to write down and be clear about. But when it is happening, when I am in the middle of it, when I lack a sense of humour about my public failure, it is very hard to get this perspective and to have a good laugh at myself.

How do I get from no humour to humour?

It is something about playfulness and choice. Reminding myself of all the little choices I have in everything I am doing. That I have chosen to be in these situations, that I can choose not to do things, taking a break, doing exactly as I want at a given moment.

When I do this things tend to get fun again and I rediscover the ability to laugh at myself.

Which is such a relief.


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Luke Hockley
Dear Self

I create things and I teach people how to live and move like they were made to.