LUKSO around the world 🌍

Jonas Seiferth
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2019

In the months of September and October, the LUKSO team traveled across the globe evangelizing LUKSO, the dedicated Blockchain for new creative economies and talking about the first-ever Reversible ICO.

This journey took us from Berlin to Paris, Osaka, Tokyo, Milano, Monaco, Austin and London.

LUKSO at DEVCON5, the most significant Blockchain developer conference in the world.

This year LUKSO was a sponsor of the fifth annual DEVCON, hosted by the Ethereum Foundation (EF).
At the 4 day conference, our co-founder Fabian talked in a fully packed room about “ERC725 as the future of on-chain interaction”, a solution we will heavily use in the LUKSO ecosystem.
He also participated in a panel with JFSA regulators and the executive director of the EF discussing “Multi-Stakeholder Governance on Decentralized Finance from G20 to Practical Implementation”.

Fully packed room at Fabian’s ERC725 talk
“Multi-Stakeholder Governance on DeFi” Panel at Devcon (left); “Fundraising in 2020” Panel at the Hyatt Hotel (right)

Outside DEVCON, LUKSO co-hosted a panel addressing “Fundraising in 2020”, in cooperation with OFFDevcon, Binance_X, and Republic in the Hyatt Hotel in Osaka. The panel revolved around the future of fundraising and self-regulation, where we introduced the reversible ICO.

We were also happy to connect again with our friends, and stakeholders in the Ethereum community, including a nice dinner with the Geth team and Sam from Quorum!


Fabian spoke at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) Symposium about “Economies powered by the internet of Blockchains”. It was a great opportunity to create awareness about dedicated blockchains like LUKSO.

Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) Symposium

LUKSO at the e-P Summit in Milano

This year we partnered up with e-P Summit, hosted by Pitti Imagine on the 23rd of October in Milano and exhibited the LUKSO concept.
The summit is all about establishing a meeting place between brands and innovators.
Our team had a great time meeting with fashion brands and other tech-innovators, talking about the future of fashion and blockchain.


In Monaco we spoke about the impact of Blockchains like LUKSO at the DAY ONE event in Monaco.


On another occasion, we participated in a panel at the Circular Fashion Summit on September 28th.

Panel on “Blockchain & Traceability” at the Circular Fashion Summit

UNECE events in Paris & London

In Paris, we participated in the invite-only UNECE meeting on “Blockchain technology and due diligence in the garment and footwear value chains”, hosted by the OECD on September 11th 2019.

As also just visited London on October 30th and 31st for the UN/CEFACT 34th Forum, joining and continuing the discussion with industry stakeholders about “Enhancing transparency and traceability for sustainable value chains in garment and footwear”.

UNECE meeting “Blockchain technology and due diligence in the garment and footwear value chains” — Paris
UN/CEFACT Forum “Enhancing transparency and traceability for sustainable value chains in garment and footwear” — London


And finally, Fabian gave two classes recently at the University of Texas and the Texas blockchain student club in Austin. He educated students about Blockchain, LUKSO and the Reversible ICO as a means of better more transparent fundraising.

What’s next?

The next months are busy for us, preparing for launching the first-ever reversible ICO (rICO) and (work on partner applications we develop internally).

Thank you for being on this ride with us! We are excited about what is still to come and will keep you updated throughout the journey.



Jonas Seiferth
Writer for

Building the internets coordination layer — Web3 Director @BosonProtocol