Reversible ICO the 2nd

Fabian Vogelsteller
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2020


The updated announcement can be found here:


After careful consideration, taking into account the market reaction, as well as the rising Ether price, we have decided the re-deploy the Reversible ICO with a lower starting price of 0.0012 ETH (~0.29 USD)!
All other variable of the Reversible ICO will stay the same (start and end date)

☝️ If you have already committed ETH, read the last part of the article!

This re-deploy gives us also the ability to add some extra features that didn’t make it into the first deployment:

  • The ability to change the whitelisting address
  • The ability to change the freezer address
  • The ability to change the price in later stages (months)

The price change feature became apparent as we have seen the sudden price in Ether influencing our initial rICO price too strongly. This also allows us to adjust the price up, should the demand grow too quickly at some point.

In the extrem case that we would need to adjust the price down, due to a fast rising Ether price, we will compensate early contributors with a LYXe bonus, so that getting in early is always more favourable!

What do I need to do if I already committed ETH?

You to take action:

If you have already committed ETH, we ask you to return all your LYXe to the Reversible ICO smart contract address:

(make sure you add at least 160,000 gas limit)

This will return your ETH. Once we deployed the new contract, you will be able to reserve LYXe at a lower price!

Reversible ICO “beta”, you served us well, rest in peace (RIP), long live Reversible ICO the 2nd!



Fabian Vogelsteller
Editor for

Founder @lukso , Author of ERC 20 and ERC 725 and former -Mist, -web3.js and -Ðapp developer for Ethereum.