The Advent of the L16 Testnet

Fabian Vogelsteller
Published in
1 min readJul 28, 2021

We have been hard at work to build the new architecture of the LUKSO Blockchain and we finally succeeded in making the network work in this novel design.

Many of you have been waiting tirelessly to participate and run the new LUKSO network architecture and we will soon allow you to do so.

We are currently preparing the tools to make this process easy and simple and expect to allow anyone to participate in the L16 public testnet within the next weeks.

Please note that the testnet will be for TESTING the network setup. This means it can and will be reset at any time, and smart contracts deployed on it can not be considered persistent. If you want to develop on a LUKSO testnet, the L14 testnet is still your best option.

The ephemeral-testnet (L15)

We are currently running an ephemeral-testnet, which is used to test the L16 testnet setup and tools. This network can not be considered stable and is frequently reset.

You can find more information about the L15 testnet here.

We are very excited for the weeks and months to come, as the LUKSO Blockchain will see start to see its daylight!




Fabian Vogelsteller
Editor for

Founder @lukso , Author of ERC 20 and ERC 725 and former -Mist, -web3.js and -Ðapp developer for Ethereum.