Blockchain — Creating Killer Apps

When Skeepers meets Lum Network

Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network
4 min readOct 27, 2021


Blockchain technology has demonstrated the potential to reshape the way consumers and businesses interact across nearly every industry. Yet, few industry leaders are integrating this technology at the core of their operations to create, reshape and redefine the future of their respective fields.

This is where Skeepers comes in.

Skeepers is a leading group in customer engagement specialized in User Generated Content (UGC), such as rating & reviews, influencers, but also feedback and predictive marketing.

Today, Skeepers joins forces with Lum Network to fully integrate blockchain technology at the core of its operations. From contributing to its technological development to becoming a launch partner of Lum Network.

Skeepers uses the blockchain technology at its core to pave the way for innovation in its field.

Skeepers Journey

In 2012, Skeepers CEO, Olivier Mouillet, realized that rating and reviews would be an indispensable tool for brands and retailers.

With Laurent Abisset, they founded “Avis Vérifiés” a French SAAS company that collects independent ratings and reviews after a purchase.

Without raising any funds, they quickly developed the activity at international scale by declining the brand to other markets, such as Verified Reviews in the US, Opiniões-Verificadas in Brasil, Recensioni Verificate in Italy, etc.

In 2019, they decided it was time to scale their business to the next level and received funding from Providence Strategy Growth ($50 billions equity growth fund). So far, they have used more than $100 million dollars to acquire 7 companies.

Their growth has been astonishing and they achieved:

  • A presence in 40 countries
  • A workforce of 500 people
  • 400,000 influencers network
  • 7,000 clients — retailers & merchants
  • 700 millions emails sent each year to collect UGC
  • 30 millions reviews collected yearly
  • 100+ millions of unique users reach

Skeepers became so successful that it bagged a place in the Next 40, receiving official recognition and support from the government and market authorities.

A Shared Vision

Skeepers CEO, Olivier Mouillet, made the following observations a couple years ago:
The quality of a review matters, over the rating. Just take a look at reviews saying “Great” or “This is a bad product”: this is not very enlightening nor useful to anyone.

With a good, qualitative review, customers become the best advertisers of any brand.

95% of customers read online reviews before buying a product

But levels of ratings and reviews decrease every year, along with their quality.

Creating and sharing quality content takes time. And in this new digital era consumers know that what they share, the time they spend on creating content and therefore their data is valuable.

In order to maximize their impact, we need to align incentives and share the value created by everyone in a transparent and objective manner.

When I met Olivier, I had this vision that the next dominating reward program would be decentralized and that blockchain and cryptocurrencies were the keys to create it. This is why I created Lumki, a mobile wallet that makes it simple for users to collect and use crypto rewards.

We immediately realized that we had a lot in common: We have the same entrepreneurial spirit and we are passionate about crypto!

But also, our visions were so aligned that the idea to use Lumki to reward users for the value they create online came instantly.

Hence came Skeepers decision to acquire Lumki in order to make it available to all its clients and participate in the launch of a dedicated layer 1 blockchain protocol dubbed as the “Business Trust Engine”.

Lum Network was born 🚀

Building the Killer App

Lum Network is becoming the backbone of Skeepers technical infrastructure. Rewarding users transparently and fairly for creating content and engaging with brands is no longer out of reach.

To achieve that, Skeepers will be using Lum Network to stamp and authenticate genuine UGC on-chain. This ultimate transparency practice makes it possible to qualify and quantify the value created by each individual consumer and therefore, reward them accordingly using $LUM.

But we are talking about creating a killer app here, so let’s dig into the numbers!
As we’ve seen previously, Skeepers handles about 3 Millions reviews per month, so at launch, Lum Network will process more than 6 Millions transactions per month (average 2 txs/ugc), and will engage more than 3 millions users with the $LUM.

Going forward, if we take an average reward of $0.5 it is more than $1.5 millions worth of LUM that will be used to incentivize users for the value they create every single month.

For the ones seasoned regarding tokenomics, all those rewards are not immediately redeemable and liquid, users need to accumulate $20 worth of LUM in order to use them the way they want. It usually takes months to achieve this and create long term user engagement loops.

This mechanism which has become a standard in rewards programs during the past years will ensure that all users become natural holders of the $LUM.

And above all, Skeepers is a fast growing company and it includes the development of the Lum Network at the core of its strategy. In this perspective, Skeepers recently acquired a 400,000 influencers network to develop a mainstream adoption. Skeepers is committed to engage its incredible influential force to promote and make the $LUM the new dominating digital reward.

Great partnerships are the foundations of successful companies. When two ambitious projects come together to collaborate on ideas and resources, they achieve much more than they would otherwise.

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Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network

Founder @lum_network Building the Lum Network ecosystem. Council Member of the Lum Foundation.