How to participate in Sandblock Token Sale

How to join the Token Sale, complete your KYC and purchase Satisfaction Tokens during Sandblock’s token sale events.

Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network
7 min readFeb 26, 2018


The following information has been organized to help you complete your contribution with examples on how to contribute using Ether (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC) or fiat currencies (Credit/Debit card).

General information

Token Pre-sale of Sandblock’s SAT will open on, February 28, 2018 at 2:00 pm Central European Time.

Token Sale of Sandblock’s SAT will open on, May 16, 2018 at 2:00 pm Central European Time.

For further information about the SAT Token Sale, please visit

Important Note for the Sandblock Token Sale

  • Always double check the Ethereum or Bitcoin addresses you are sending to.
  • Contributions for Sandblock’s token sale are only accepted through during the opening periods.
  • /!\ IMPORTANT: Be aware of scams. Sandblock will never accept contributions through Telegram, any Sandblock social media or by email.
  • Only use the official website and always VERIFY that the website address you are visiting is

1/ How to join Sandblock’s token sale

Step 1. Go to

  • Scroll to the SAT Token sale section.

Step 2. Accept the project terms

Step 3. Account information

  • Fill all the fields with your account information (first name, last name, country and email address).
  • Chose a secure password!
  • Confirm the password you just entered.
  • Ethereum wallet address to receive your tokens: Use a compatible Ethereum address (e.g. MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Mist, Parity), do not use an address provided by an exchange platform such as Poloniex, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Coinbase, GDAX, etc…
  • Select your preferred payment method and enter the amount of SAT you wish to purchase (you can still update it later)
  • Select “I am not a robot”. You may be asked to verify some images to prove you are not a robot, it is perfectly normal.
  • Press “Submit request”

Step 4. Authorize account

IMPORTANT: Enter your information and always double check them, your KYC will be rejected if they do not match the provided identity document and you will have to submit them again.

  • Verify all the information entered in the previous step
  • Select a type of identity document to upload (Passport, identity card, driver license). Passport will be processed faster.
  • Enter your identification Document Number
  • Upload the document
  • /!\ Verify all the information entered
  • Press “Submit information”

You may have to wait for your KYC to be validated before going to the next step.

Step 5. Purchase tokens

Congratulations, you reached the final step!
If the sale is opened (either the token pre-sale or the token sale), you are now able to purchase Satisfaction Tokens.

  • Select your preferred payment method and enter the amount of SAT you wish to purchase

To participate using fiat currencies:

  • Enter your bank card information and press SUBMIT PAYMENT.
  • Confirm the payment request
  • If your payment is a success you will see the transaction in the “Transactions” section on the same page immediately.

To participate using ETH:

  • See the sections below “2/ How to contribute using Metamask” or “3/ How to contribute using MyEtherWallet”

To participate using BTC:

  • See the section below “4/ How to contribute in Bitcoin”

2/ How to Contribute SAT Using Metamask

Metamask is a Chrome, Firefox and Opera Extension Wallet

Creating New Account

  1. Install MetaMask in your browser. Visit the MetaMask website and follow the instructions on how to install MetaMask in your browser.

2. Setting up MetaMask: Click on the icon on the top right of your browser. Scroll down all the way and click “continue.”

Create a password.

Restore the seeds.

Switch from the test network to the Ethereum main network.

Return to the “Purchase token” page of (refresh the page if the Metamask button doesn’t show up)

Validate payment via metamask

We recommend using a gas limit of at least 42,000 and a gas price of at least 30 gwei. The speed of confirmation of your transaction depends on your gas price. Don’t forget, first come, first served.

3/ How to Contribute Using MyEtherWallet

MyEtherWallet is a popular and reliable online wallet that can be used to generate accounts and send ether to the ETH address displayed on your token sale account in the section “Send ETH to the following address”.

  1. Head to MyEtherWallet: (Always double check the URL and look for MYETHERWALLET LLC [US] Certificate to be Safe & Secure)
In the top left of the address bar, you’ll see the certificate authority as “MYETHERWALLET LLC [US]”.
This is what the website will look like on MyEtherWallet.

2. Click “Send Ether and Tokens.

3. You will be asked to “Unlock” your wallet. You will be able to choose from the following options to unlock the wallet:

  • Keystore File
  • Private Key
  • Mnemonic Phrase
  • Ledger Nano S

4. Gas Price should not exceed 50 Gwei. You can change the Gas Price in the upper right corner of your screen.

5. Enter the Following Required Parameters:

  • To Address: The ETH address displayed on your token sale account in the section “Send ETH to the following address”
  • Amount to Send: ETH you want to send
  • Gas Limit: 42,000 (Recommended)

6. Click “Generate Transaction” to begin contributing ETH. Once you finish contributing ETH, you will see proof in the “Transaction History.” Please always double check your transaction.

Your Ether transaction will be confirmed by the network and you will be able to check your SAT balance in your personal Sandblock account in the “Transactions” section.

4/ Bitcoin (BTC)

To contribute in BTC open your BTC wallet or install any BTC wallet. Alternatively, you can use your account on any exchange.

Bitcoin contribution example via JAXX wallet

If you do not have a Bitcoin wallet, follow these instructions to create one using Jaxx wallet:

  1. Launch Jaxx and choose “Create new wallet”.
  2. Choose BTC as one of your wallet options.

If you have JAXX wallet, simply open Wallets tab in Menu and choose the BTC field.

1. In the ‘Receiving Address’​ field, paste the BTC address displayed on your token sale account in the section “Send BTC to the following address”

2. In the ‘Amount’​ field, type the amount of BTC you want to send.

3. Click ‘Send’.

Your Bitcoin transaction will be confirmed by the network and you will be able to check SAT balance in your personal Sandblock account in the “Transactions” section.


Please read this section carefully before asking questions to the team.
Do not hesitate to contact us (on Telegram or if your issue is not described below.

1/ I am still at “Step 3 — Authorize account“

This is perfectly normal, your KYC are being processed. As soon as your account is validated by the Sandblock team you will automatically go to the next step (Step 4).

2/ My KYC have been rejected

Read the red message, verify all your personal information again, fix the issue and submit your KYC again. You may have to upload a new document if this is the issue.
If you believe your KYC have been rejected by mistake, please contact us (in private on Telegram or via email) and provide your email address. Our team will review your issue manually.

3/ I am at “Step 4” but I cannot participate

The sale might not be opened at the moment. Check the countdown at the top of the website page and verify the sale status. Join Telegram or our newsletter for the latest information.

4/ My ETH or BTC transactions are not displayed

Transactions are only visible when they have been processed by the network (1 block validation). They remain in status “pending” until a few more blocks have passed. Be patient!

You can also verify your transaction status directly by opening your ETH address in an explorer ( for ETH or for BTC). We’ve added a link on your account page:



Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network

Founder @lum_network Building the Lum Network ecosystem. Council Member of the Lum Foundation.