Mobile application update

Campaign Rewards… Games ranking… You’ll find all the answers, right here!

Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network
3 min readJul 4, 2018


This article marks the end of the Alpha Sandblock Mobile App, and the beginning of a many more exciting reward program!

Tokens distribution

If you’ve followed us carefully for the past months, you now should have plenty of tokens in your mobile application wallets!

You will now receive blockchain based tokens in your in-app wallet and be able to do either hold them and cumulate more and more rewards (we definitely advise you to do so, more information about that is coming soon 😎) or transfer them on your personal Ethereum wallet (see section How in-app wallets work below).

Trumpy Bird Ranking

Let’s begin with what you’ve been more than 30 000 to fight for…. the final ranking of Trumpy bird!
Congratulations to you and sorry for the hand cramps 😅

Casino Jump Ranking

Designed for a hackathon with Groupe Casino, this game was a showcase on how businesses can reward their customers while making them discover their Brand.
We’ve made it a contest as well, and here is the top of the ladder, congratulations!

How the in-app wallets work

One of the main goal of the Sandblock mobile application is to make it easy for everyone to be rewarded with cryptocurrencies, in order to keep it simple, you in-app wallets are backed up on our secure servers.
The advantages are that you don’t need to handle the burden of wallet private keys and more importantly you can pay transaction fees directly using tokens (such as the SAT)!

SAT Rewards & distribution

Once the distribution of a campaign’s rewards is done, you will be able to see the following on your application:

Note: this is an example screenshot, the ratio and information here are obviously not accurate.

Token transfer

Ok, now that you have some SAT in your in-app wallet, you are able to either hold them (once again, you hold, you’ll get surprised… 😎) or you can transfer them to another address.

Important: even if you have received SAT on the mobile wallet, it does not necessarily means that you can transfer them right away. On the step 2 below you will be notified that the transfer is not enabled yet, if it is the case you just have to wait until you can do it! Following the official announcements on Telegram is the best way to stay up to date.

Note: You need the latest version of the application to do it, please, make sure you’ve updated it before requesting some help.

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Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network

Founder @lum_network Building the Lum Network ecosystem. Council Member of the Lum Foundation.