3 Considerations for CPG Marketers

Angela Shaffield
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2023

by Angela Shaffield | Last Updated: Mar 15, 2023

There’s a lot CPG marketers have to consider in today’s world to capture the attention of consumers. Inflation is on the rise and consumers are acting accordingly. They are being more cautious about where they spend their dollars — typically buying only the necessities. There’s also a ton of noise in the aisle and customers are constantly inundated with ads.

As a result, CPG marketers are facing greater challenges as consumers’ buying behavior continues to adapt. Let’s take a look at three considerations for CPG marketers to keep in mind.

3 Considerations for CPG Marketers

1. Standing Out in the Aisle

If brands fail at standing out in the aisle both physically and digitally, then their products are not going to get purchased. There’s an incredible amount of noise and options customers have when shopping — that’s why marketers need to bridge the gap between offline and online.

29 percent of shoppers have researched a product using their mobile device while in-store. Connecting a digital element to your products can help cut through the noise and ensure customers have the best possible customer experience possible when in-aisle.

A good way to make it easy for consumers to research your product in-store is to add a QR code to product packaging or an in-store promotion that links to your digital marketing campaign. Whether this is product information or a video of an influencer using the product, when using digital marketing campaigns in-store, you are in control of the content consumers read before making a purchasing decision.

Controlling the narrative of your brand in-store and online can not only help you improve your conversion rates, but also increase brand loyalty. When customers are loyal, they seek out your products, making it easier to stand out in the aisle.

2. Accomplishing More With Less Budget

Marketing budgets seem to be the first thing that gets cut during an economic downturn. And in today’s economic climate, we’re also seeing customers change what is most important to them when shopping. Brands will need to figure out how they can keep their customers from switching to a competitor.

It is much more cost effective to retain current customers than to acquire new customers. Marketers should allocate a budget toward customer retention campaigns because they have a much higher ROI and better use of company dollars. They can do this by implementing loyalty programs, customer feedback surveys, and user-generated content to keep customers engaged while attracting new ones too.

3. Making Better Use Out of Data

Data is one of the most useful resources available to CPG marketers. There are three types of marketing data: zero-party data, first-party data, and third-party data.

Using zero-party data is the most effective because it’s data the brand has collected from customers on their own so they can entrust the information is accurate. A brand can capture zero-party data by directly asking consumers for their contact information and opting them in to receive text messages or emails.

Zero-party data can give brands the insights they need to improve their marketing campaigns. In addition to using customers’ contact information, brands can use other types of data to increase conversion rates. This data can be obtained by using collection tactics such as quizzes, post-purchase surveys, and social media polls. It’s important to know which products their customers want and how likely they are to purchase that product again.

Quizzes are extremely popular among most customers, and they can recommend relevant products for your customers. Brands include quizzes by adding them to a website or directly on your product packaging with a QR code.

Post-purchase surveys allow brands to collect data on a customer’s experience. You can use this information to make appropriate changes in order to improve the customer journey and brand loyalty. An easy way to do this is through a digital Net-promoter Score (NPS) survey.

You can use zero-party data to understand your customer’s intent and pain points. By understanding who your current customers are and their behaviors, you can find more people that have similar traits and behaviors, introduce them to products that meet their needs, and create relevant messaging that resonates with them.

Understanding your target audience and meeting their needs is the foundation of any marketing strategy.

To capture the attention of today’s consumers, CPG brands will need to do things their competitors are not doing. Creating highly personalized digital experiences is the perfect way to turn consumers into lifelong buyers. See for yourself how easy it is to create a digital experience to capture the attention of consumers. Or schedule a demo with one of our experts to see how we help out CPG brands like yours.

Originally published at https://www.lumavate.com.

