Customer Journey Mapping: Implementation and Improvement

Emily Rompola
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2018

In case you’ve missed it, customer journey mapping has taken over the Lumavate blog. For the past month, we’ve been walking through each step in the process with a focus on practicality. With this post, we have arrived at step four–creating an action plan and setting performance indicators. So, let’s dive right in!

Lights, Camera…ACTION!
After you’ve solidified your ideal customer journey map, you’ll need to create an action plan! That is, the implementation of your new customer journey should be the next priority. For most companies, it makes the most sense to break it all down. Breaking up this step into multiple key initiatives that you can tackle over period of time makes it all more digestible.

While there are many ways to break down this step in the process, we find that teams that work together to identify and prioritize key initiatives as a group and then break out into smaller groups to develop action plans for each of those initiatives are typically the most effective. Doing this ensures that the entire group is on board with the overarching initiatives and allows the individuals most knowledgeable about each initiative to help craft the plan to accomplish it.

Once each subgroup has crafted their action plan, it’s a good idea for the larger group to come back together to review each plan to make sure nothing has been missed. It also can be helpful to bring in an outside perspective from someone not in any of the subgroups for a fresh pair of eyes.

What About Performance Indicators?
After agreeing on each subgroups’ action plans, the work isn’t done! Keeping the success of the overall process in mind, it is critical to have a set of measurable goals for each initiative you plan to implement. This way, you can have a clear understanding of when you’re successful and when an area needs more attention.

So, it’s a good idea for teams to keep key performance indicators in mind as they create action plans. You’ll also want to discuss as a group what your overall measures of success will be for the proposed customer journey (think: improvements to Net Promoter Score, customer acquisition goals, increase in retention rates, etc). These metrics should be tied to your business goals and align with the pain points that you previously identified in your current customer journey mapping session.

Step four in the customer journey mapping process is all about action. Bringing your ideal customer journey to life is exciting, but there are a few important things to keep in mind. Breaking up the implementation of your new customer journey over a period of time will help your team and organization digest all of the new changes, and ensure that your implementation plan is tied to key performance indicators. All of this will help to make sure your customer journey initiative is a great success for your organization and, most importantly, your customer.

Don’t forget, you can get our complete guide to Customer Journey Mapping here. It gives you step-by-step instructions on how you and your team can effectively and efficiently map out your customer journey.



Emily Rompola
Writer for

A Jeopardy-loving, brunch-going dog enthusiast. Content and social media creator at Lumavate, the leading platform for building cloud-based mobile apps.