Voice Series: Kickstarting Voice Search Strategy

Katie Huston
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2019

It’s bittersweet coming to the end of any good thing…the end of my Netflix subscription (bye, The Office), the end of my morning coffee, and most importantly, the end of this Voice Series blog set. But, luckily, I saved the best for last and I’ll guide you through creating a step-by-step approach to implementing voice search as a part of your greater SEO strategy. Voice search optimization is a major must if you want your product or business to rank in the age of AI-powered voice assistants. More than 47 million adults in the U.S. are able to access a smart speaker — that’s more than the entire population of California! If you missed the intro to this series, check it out here. And while you’re at it, go ahead and read part 2. Now that you’re all caught up, it’s time to get the voice strategy ball rolling.

Getting Started
Since a majority of users speak differently than they type in queries, it’s imperative to take that into account when you’re promoting content or your product on your site. Target any longtail keywords that a person might ask when trying to search for something you sell or provide, i.e. a local coffee roaster may include the information for “where is a coffee shop near me” or “what coffee shop is open during the holidays”. Answer the Public has a great tool for thinking about the who, what, and wheres of your main keywords. This way, the more you stack your page with content and information, voice assistants can provide your information before other businesses who might not have taken the time to add extra info. Using natural conversational keywords, minimizing acronyms, and grouping together common questions can be perfect for an frequently-asked-questions page. And, an FAQ page is a good starting place for including any information that may not be apparent on your main landing page.

Structure Your Site
Google now ranks sites that are mobile-first above non-optimized sites and since most voice searches come from–you guessed it–a mobile phone, mobile optimization is key for ranking in voice. You can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to see how well your page ranks in a number of categories, including page speed, usability of buttons and navigation, and UX design, and Google will even tell you how to fix your page for better results. Also, claim your Google My Business listing for any type of business, from a yoga studio to a software company. With a Google listing claim, your brand will have higher chances of showing up with a voice search in your local area.

Keep Learning
The statistics, information, and techniques around voice search are bound to change as the industry transforms. With higher-powered artificial intelligence devices learning natural language all the time, voice search is predicted to climb higher as a main trend in SEO. By 2020, one survey stated that 50 percent of all search queries will be using voice. Keep an eye on our blogs for updates to your voice search strategy and follow us on social media (Twitter and Linkedin!) to see mobile-news updates and content.



Katie Huston

Content marketer + travel enthusiast with a knack for social and tech trends, personal finance, and my planner