What Is the Fastest Growing CMS?

Angela Shaffield
Published in
5 min readApr 20, 2023

by Angela Shaffield | Last Updated: Mar 29, 2023

51 percent of marketers say they waste money and time producing and recreating content that oftentimes goes unused because team members can’t locate the content and may not be aware that the content even exists. What if there was a solution that could help you save time when using content in your marketing campaigns? This is where a CMS can help.

What Is a CMS?

CMS is an acronym for content management system. A content management system is a repository for all of a brand’s digital assets. A content management system software is used to store, manage, and publish content for different types of digital experiences. The most common digital experience that uses a CMS is a website.

One of the top priorities for a marketer is ensuring that the brand’s website is up-to-date and accessible to potential customers. A content management system helps with both of those things. When a marketer edits content with the content management system, it automatically updates the website, so there is no need to do the same task multiple times. A content management system can also help your website become more reachable by storing search engine optimization components in one central location.

Within a content management system, a marketer can store, edit, and improve content like:

  • Audio — Store audio like songs or podcasts.
  • Documents — Store files such as Word Documents, PDFs, Excel Sheets, or PowerPoints.
  • Forms — Build forms that can capture event registration, lead capture, or even email and mobile opt-ins.
  • Icons — Access a library of icons to use in your digital experiences.
  • Images — Pull in images to use in your digital experiences related to products, headshots, and more.
  • Quizzes — Create engaging product or content recommendation quizzes that help entice customers to purchase recommended products.
  • Text — Use the same plain text or rich text in multiple digital experiences and ensure any edits made to this text are automatically updated across all experiences using it.
  • Videos — Store all types of video files for product training, employee onboarding, etc.

These types of content can be stored in your CMS and reused throughout your website. Content management software often has a no-code element and is an easy way for marketers to manage website content without requiring developers.

Content management systems can be used for a variety of digital experiences like websites, mobile apps, landing pages, and more.. For example, if you were creating a mobile app for your brand, a CMS would enable you to store all the images, videos, documents, or even audio clips you want to use in the mobile app. A CMS makes the process of creating any digital experience faster because teams can use content stored in a CMS for multiple digital experiences. Without a content management platform, you can spend a lot of time searching for a specific piece of content or duplicating content that you couldn’t find or didn’t know you had.

What Are the 3 Different Types of CMS?

Most CMS software falls into two types of CMS platforms. These categories are open-source and non open-source. Within the non-open source category, there are subtypes which include headless CMS and proprietary CMS.

Open-source CMS

An open-source CMS is a content management system that is maintained by its community of developers, rather than one developed and owned by a single company. One of the benefits of using an open source is there are no or limited ongoing fees, but they often lack technical support, may present security challenges, and have inconsistent updates to functionality.

Non-open Source or Proprietary CMS

Non-open source CMSs are content management systems that no one (other than internal developers) has access to the source code. Companies that offer this type of CMS typically provide ongoing technical support, regular product updates, and have an annual platform cost. Lumavate, Sitecore, and Adobe Experience Manager are examples of non-open source CMS.

Headless CMS

A headless CMS is a type of non-open source CMS that has a decoupled structure and only offers back-end content management. It separates information and presentation. This means you will need to present your content through a different solution. Contentful and Contentstack are considered examples of a headless CMS.

What Are Examples of a CMS?

When choosing a CMS, there are many providers to choose from. A few CMS examples are WordPress, Lumavate, Contentful, Strapi, and the list goes on. Each has the core capabilities of a CMS, but there are a few that specialize in making their product one of a kind.

Lumavate CMS

Lumavate is actually a digital experience platform (DXP) with built-in CMS functionality. This is an important differentiation compared to a headless CMS that only provides back-end content management. Lumavate also provides tremendous flexibility by allowing users to use the Lumavate CMS, integrate a third-party CMS, or use a combination of these two options.

WordPress CMS

WordPress content management system is an open-source content management system. It provides back-end and front-end functionality. WordPress is technically free to use, but there are other costs associated with it like domain costs, hosting costs, maintenance costs, and any premium themes or plugins you might need. You are offered little to no support compared to other providers. WordPress is often used by small businesses since they can pay for the solution as problems arise.

Storyblok vs Contentful CMS

Storyblok content management system is a headless CMS, meaning it only provides back-end content management. They have four tiers of pricing with the lowest costing one hundred dollars per month for only 5 users and limited functionality. Like Storyblok, Contentful content management system is a headless CMS. They define themselves as a limitless composable content platform. They also offer upfront pricing for their tiered plans.

What Is the Fastest Growing CMS?

When choosing a CMS, marketers should look for a solution that provides flexibility for the variety of goals they would like the software to accomplish. The headless CMS market size was 71 percent in 2021, making it one of the most popular types of content management systems. The reason why it is the most popular is that it promotes flexibility and allows brands to dynamically pull their content into a digital experience and other platforms. While there are definite benefits to a headless CMS, a platform such as Lumavate that offers even more flexibility in terms of CMS options is a better long-term choice since it gives your business true flexibility over where your content is stored long-term.

Want to increase your marketing team’s efficiencies and stop wasting time trying to find your digital assets? Schedule a demo to see Lumavate’s Content Management System or take a tour to see why Lumavate is the best content management system out there for your business.

Originally published at https://www.lumavate.com.

