How Netflix became our best friend

IDA Design
Lumen by IDA Design
1 min readApr 3, 2019


The history of this revolutionary company came with many ups and downs. On August 29th of 2017, the largest online video streaming service turned 20. The answer to your burning question is, yes, there was Netflix in 1997.

Netflix took the market by surprise as a DVD delivery company. Like most start-ups, surviving long enough to reach a level of success wasn’t always easy. In the early 2000’s, when Netflix was still struggling to make a go of it, they approached the giant of DVD rentals, Blockbuster, about forming a partnership. Blockbuster didn’t bother themselves with the $50 million chump change of an offer and denied Netflix on numerous occasions. Netflix is worth about $70 billion now (or was before House of Cards came tumbling down.)

We are now quickly approaching on their 22-year milestone, and in honor, we created a timeline of the history of our favorite network for binge watching. Some of it may surprise you.



IDA Design
Lumen by IDA Design

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