Round 3 of the lottery is now live

Published in
Feb 14, 2022

Greetings Lumenswap community!

We are thrilled to announce that the third round of the lottery is now live. To know more about the Lumenswap lottery and why it is a part of the Web 3.0 revolution, you can refer to the Lottery Introduction article.

Round 3 Info ℹ️

  • URL:
  • Period: 39,618,387 Ledger → 39,760,948 Ledger (Feb 14 → Feb 24)
  • Prize: Lusi 75
  • Ticket price: 1 LSP
  • Winner Ledger: 39,760,949 (The winner will be determined in this ledger number.)

Note: After the winning address is announced, the owner of the address must create a trust line for this asset:
Asset code: Lusi75

Thank you for reading this article.

