Blockchain Companies Need More Data and We’ve Got It!

Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2019
Poll Results (Actual Results)

From San Francisco to Hong Kong, the global team at Lumeos has been hard at work this past quarter and is proud to present our first product offering — the Lumeos Blockchain Audience Insights Platform. Whether you’re an ambitious new blockchain-startup or a preeminent exchange with billions in trading volume, we can deliver you the insights and analytics to help you better understand your user base and provide you the actionable data to make important business decisions by surveying our base of ~5000 verified, blockchain-enthusiasts.

Email us at to get started today.

Get Insights to Lower Your Marketing Spend and Build the Right Products

Building a blockchain-related business is hard work. Understanding your blockchain user demographics and mindset is critical to minimizing ad spend and marketing effectively. Also, getting user feedback on existing (and even future) product features can help you determine where to invest your software development efforts — or even what features to cull.

Advanced Filtering to Reach Ultra-Niche Blockchain User Segments

With advanced machine learning-based analytics and filtering, we can break down your responses into niche blockchain user sub-categories. Want to view responses from only crypto “day traders” on your new UI trading layout? How about getting feedback on whether your VIP “day traders” would like a Bitcoin-based debit card offering before you launch the product? Or how about asking only EOS token owners who have never voted for a EOS block producer to understand why they don’t vote? With the Lumeos Blockchain Audience Insights Platform, you can do all that and more.

Blockchain-Experts Consulting You on Survey Design

We’ve got an expert team of ex-Google computer scientists and MIT MBAs who specialize in the blockchain industry to help you identify the most relevant business objectives to survey around and we utilize survey industry best practices to structure statistically significant surveys using the lowest set of questions asked.

Other Key Highlights

  • Blockchain-Specific User Base — ~5,000 blockchain-enthusiasts (only verified users can respond to surveys)
  • Quick Responses — Hundreds of responses within 24 hours
  • Customers Include These Top Blockchain Projects —,,,,, etc.

From all of us at Team Lumeos, we’re excited to finally launch our platform and help blockchain companies get the actionable data they need.


Team Lumeos

Email us at to get started today.

More Screenshots:

Demographic Breakdown (Actual Results)
Location Breakdown (Actual Results)

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Your Experts in Blockchain Audience Insights. To get started, email us at