What Grayscale Decentralized AI Fund Means for the DeAI Movement

Lumerin Protocol
Lumerin Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2024

The financial behemoths are waking up.

Grayscale — a pioneer in the Web3 asset management space — has launched a new fund that focuses on decentralized artificial intelligence protocols.

With this new launch, it’s evident that industry leaders and “smart money” are starting to recognize the potential hazards of centralized AI and the transformative promise of decentralized AI (DeAI).

This move signals a significant shift towards embracing decentralized AI, highlighting its immense benefits and advantages, and could spark a new era in the Web3 ecosystem.

The Rising Importance of Decentralized AI

Centralized AI, while powerful, poses numerous risks to cybersecurity and privacy.

These include concerns over personal data, single points of failure, and the concentration of control in the hands of a few large entities.

In contrast, decentralized AI offers a more secure, transparent, and equitable approach to artificial intelligence.

Benefits of Decentralized AI:

  1. Enhanced Security and Privacy: When data storage, processing, and treatment is decentralized, sensitive information is less vulnerable to breaches and misuse. DeAI ensures that data is not stored in a single location, reducing the risk of large-scale hacks.
  2. Improved Transparency: DeAI promotes transparency through blockchain technology, where every transaction and AI model training step can be tracked and verified. This reduces the risk of biases and manipulations in AI algorithms.
  3. Democratized Access: Decentralized AI enables broader participation by allowing individuals and smaller organizations to contribute to and benefit from AI developments. This democratization fosters innovation and competition, leading to more diverse AI solutions in the benefit of the users.
  4. Resilience and Reliability: A decentralized network is inherently more resilient to failures. Without a single point of control, the network can continue to function even if some nodes go offline, ensuring continuous availability and robustness.

Grayscale’s Strategic Move into DeAI

Grayscale’s introduction of the Decentralized AI Fund is a strategic and forward-thinking move that underscores the growing importance of decentralized artificial intelligence within the broader tech and investment landscapes

With this initiative, Grayscale is positioning itself at the forefront of a paradigm shift towards decentralized, equitable, and transparent AI solutions.

Among the assets incluided in the fund, there are:

  • Bittensor, a marketplace for creating and sharing AI models.
  • Filecoin, a decentralized storage crucial for AI data handling.
  • Livepeer, a platform that leverages AI for decentralized video streaming.
  • Render, a decentralized GPU network for AI tasks requiring significant computational power.

How Grayscale’s Fund Will Affect the Growth of DeAI

Grayscale’s endorsement of decentralized AI (DeAI) projects through its new fund validates the importance and potential of this emerging technology.

As one of the largest and most influential asset managers in the crypto space, Grayscale’s involvement sends a strong signal to the market about the viability and promising future of DeAI technologies.

Institutional Investors

The creation of this fund indicates a growing institutional interest in DeAI.

As investors seek new opportunities in the evolving tech landscape, decentralized AI presents a compelling investment thesis.

Grayscale’s fund provides this investors with the opportunity to easily participate in this emerging sector, highlighting its appeal and potential for substantial returns.

Capital Injection and Increased Visibility

The influx of capital from Grayscale’s fund will provide much-needed resources for DeAI projects to scale their operations, enhance their technologies, and accelerate their go-to-market strategies.

This financial support can drive innovation and development, bringing decentralized AI solutions closer to mainstream adoption and unlocking new possibilities for the technology.

Simultaneously, Grayscale’s prominence in the investment community will raise awareness about DeAI among investors, developers, and the general public.

This can attract more talent and resources to the DeAI sector, fostering a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem. The heightened awareness and interest can lead to more significant advancements and a broader acceptance of decentralized AI, paving the way for its integration into various industries.

The Impact on Lumerin and the DeAI Movement

For Lumerin, Grayscale’s entry into the DeAI space is a validation of its vision and efforts.

As an innovator and emerging project in the DeAI sector, Lumerin is creating cutting-edge decentralized infrastructure that will enable a new wide range of AI applications to be deployed on-chain.

AI has potential to become the most transformative technology in history, which is why it is vital that it’s not controlled by a centralized entity or monopoly.

Lumerin is actively contributing to the decentralization of AI by granting developers the tools and infrastructure to deploy decentralized AI systems on Web3 networks.

We’re also fostering collaboration within the DeAI community by organizing events, facilitating partnerships, and promoting shared learning and development. Our commitment extends to education, helping to raise awareness about the importance and benefits of decentralized AI.


Grayscale’s new Decentralized AI Fund marks a pivotal moment for the DeAI sector.

It highlights the growing recognition of decentralized AI’s potential to address the inherent risks of centralized systems.

For Lumerin and other DeAI projects, this signifies a bright future where decentralized technologies can thrive, innovate, and reshape the AI landscape.

However, we must not forget the end goal: to make sure this revolutionary technology becomes decentralized, enforcing responsible use and senuring the safety and privacy of the people.



Lumerin Protocol
Lumerin Blog

Sublayer network where users can access all kinds of data as RWAs: Bitcoin hashrate or AI compute power, in a completely secure, frictionless & P2P manner