Lumiblocks Presale Details

Presale Announcement!

3 min readSep 3, 2021


Dear, Community, we are glad to announce our PRESALE details.

LUMI is a multipurpose and multifunctional tool for the first rapidly growing ecosystem.

Lumiblocks community tokens or LUMI is a native ERC-20 Lumiblocks token built on Ethereum. Tokens are essential to power the ecosystem, rewarding developers and product creators, and giving holders unique premium access to future ecosystem products. In addition, a percentage of the profits from ecosystem projects will go to the treasury, where the community will decide where the funds will go. Lumi is a limited token, a total of 100 million tokens will be created, no additional supply of tokens is possible, which will ensure stable growth in the long term.


Name: Lumiblocks community tokens
Ticker: LUMI
Platform: Ethereum
Type: Token (ERC-20)
Total Supply: 100,000,000 (100 million LUMI)
Additional Supply: No
Token Address: Not Deployed Yet


∙ DAO — 70% (70,000,000 LUMI)
∙ Sales — 18.5% (18,500,000 LUMI)
∙ Foundation — 5% (5,000,000 LUMI)
∙ Other — 3.5% (3,500,000 LUMI)
∙ Bounty, Airdrops — 3% (3,000,000 LUMI)

So what are tokens for?

Token functions:

  1. Base currency. Projects will use Lumiblocks tokens as a base currency (as well as ETH, DAI, etc.) as this increases the value of the ecosystem (projects will receive awards, mainly in LUMI, this is beneficial to all participants).
  2. Governance. With LUMI tokens, you can vote and collectively manage and control the project.
  3. Stake. To receive rewards from L3P communities, if available, in the sort of LUMI or other tokens (including Non-Ethereum network assets) or a percentage of profit (profit distribution).
  4. Reward. Use your knowledge and talents (skills) to complete tasks and get a reward in LUMI (Base) and ETH (Add).
  5. Work. Do the work and get LUMI (Base) and ETH (Add) as compensation.
  6. Burn. Foundation and DAO (with a positive LIP result) will use the function of burning tokens that were not used and / or not needed, as well as Buy Back & Burn, making LUMI — deflationary token.
  7. Utility. L3P projects will provide special premium conditions for using LUMI tokens.

Learn More about Lumiblocks Community Tokens


Average Price: 0.05 USD / LUMI
Start Date: 1 OCTOBER
End Date: 7 OCTOBER
Opening ETH — LUMI Rate: 1 ETH — 85,000 LUMI [3 SEPTEMBER]
Closing ETH — LUMI Rate: 1 ETH — 75,000 LUMI [3 SEPTEMBER]
Personal Softcap/Hardcap: 0.1 ETH / 10 ETH
Accepted Currencies: ETH, USDT
Tokens for Sale: 1.5% OF TOTAL SUPPLY (1,500,000 LUMI)

Tokens, addresses will be displayed in a special document, and after the main sale they will go to investors wallet.

NOTE: Whitelisting procedure will be announced soon, stay tuned.

A total of about $75,000 will be collected from the presale, which will go towards paying Exchange Listings (IEO or IDO) and marketing costs. It will be discussed with the community.

Lumiblocks is a community-driven DAO that funds and maintains web3 and crypto projects, processes and executes general-purpose collective decision making in order to increase the utilitarian functions of a governance token.

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