Why do we pray to God?

Lumiere Nitpy
Lumiere NITPY
Published in
Feb 14, 2021
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Why do we pray to God?

Do we share your thoughts
Or we want to erase the dots

Why do we pray to God?

Is it your need
Or is it our greed

Do we pray regularly
Or is it occasionally

Why do we pray to God?

Is it done without interest
Or do we have some trust

Is it giving us peace of mind
Or is it increasing the tension of mind

Why do we pray to God?

This question will arise every time you pray
It can be multiple times a day

Everyone will answer it in a different way Because everyone has a point to say

Lord, why do we pray?

By Kushal Nigam



Lumiere Nitpy
Lumiere NITPY

An all digital publication from Literary Committee, NIT Puducherry