Introducing Lumina — The Operating System For Digital Assets

Chen Fang
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2018

Confidently navigate the fragmented digital assets landscape with the most comprehensive crypto-native financial platform.

We created Lumina to accelerate the mass adoption of digital assets by bridging the gap between traditional finance and crypto. By building best-of-breed infrastructure and tooling, Lumina lowers obstacles for larger investments.

Today’s mid-market investors face a number of challenges when it comes to trading and managing their crypto portfolios. On the trading front, siloed liquidity, opaque execution, and questionable compliance deter entry. On the management front, spreadsheet and manual workflows are still the de facto solution. These infrastructure and usability problems, which have been long solved in traditional finance, still need to be addressed in crypto. Lumina has set out to solve this problem.

“To make cryptocurrencies accessible and viable for institutional investors, we need innovative companies to attack specific pain points,” said Ben Chan, CTO of BitGo. “Based on conversations with our clients, we think Lumina can solve a major workflow issue.”

Lumina offers a comprehensive suite of institutional-grade tools.

Portfolio Management

Finally see your entire portfolio in one place for comprehensive portfolio management. Track historical performance, current positions, and total cost basis. Get updated news and insights relevant to your holdings both on the web and on the go via the Lumina mobile app.

For the institutional investor, we understand the complexity and diversification of your portfolio. Lumina supports over 40 top brands and all transaction types under the sun. From margin trading on Bitfinex to options on Deribit, Lumina has you covered.

Accounting & Tax

At the core of Lumina, there’s a modern accounting and tax system with native support for digital assets. Lumina has everything you expect from an enterprise-grade accounting solution, including a full general ledger and chart of accounts, in conjunction with support for all digital asset symbols and crypto-native concepts like forks, airdrops, mining, and staking.

Lumina automatically reconciles all exchange trades in addition to transfers between exchanges, wallets, and custody solutions. For trades done offline or at OTC venues, Lumina aggregates unreconciled activity in a way that makes it super simple to reconcile.

All reconciled transactions within Lumina open and close respective tax lots in real time. See exactly how transactions relate to each other via the associating tax lots. Lumina maintains a very accurate account of each position’s open lots and the cost basis, converting the data into traditional accounting reports needed for audits, compliance, and tax filings. Invite your accountant and auditor in for easy access to data at every stage of the reconciliation process.

Order & Execution Management

Lumina enables institutions to both plan and execute trades — leveraging industry-leading order management and smart order routing technology to execute trades across multiple exchange accounts in a single interface.

Our OEMS is deeply integrated with Lumina’s portfolio offerings, streamlining everyday trade operations in familiar experiences. Generate lists of parent orders in an interactive blotter. Gradually execute batches of parent orders with pre-programmed algorithms. View interactive TCA reports post trade.

Pricing, Reference, Transaction APIs

Lumina standardizes decentralized blockchain data into auditable, real-time, structured datasets to help crypto enterprises streamline operations using pricing, reference, and transaction APIs.

For coins with differing ticker symbols, Lumina normalizes digital asset names, symbols, and trading pairs across exchanges, custodians, even blockchains. Lumina monitors and updates reference data in real-time, handling even the most complicated corporate actions like symbol and chain migrations.

Retrieve real-time balance, line item, and reconciled transaction data directly for all of your connected accounts. For organizations already on SS&C Advent Geneva or SEI Archway ATWeb, Lumina offers configurable integrations that output perfectly compatible loaders for effortless synchronization.

Our Investors

Backed by top venture capitalists from Silicon Valley and China, our Series Seed was led by Craft Ventures, David Sacks’ VC firm, with participation from Dragonfly Capital Partners, Bo Feng’s VC firm and Bain Capital Ventures.

Chen Fang is Co-Founder & CEO of Lumina.

We’re hiring: Please visit to learn about our growing engineering and private wealth management teams.

