Buddy Pet Foods — bringing honest food to our furry family members🐶

Daniel Karsberg
Luminar Venture Stories
2 min readAug 8, 2019

Global pet products is a $100 billion market. Dog food alone represents around $50 billion and the majority of consumers are still bulk buying bags and cans of low quality products at the local grocery store. Over the last decade the interest in healthy human food has grown and premium alternatives for pets are on the rise. However, most pet owners don’t have access to nutritional advice and have to spend time testing and searching for the right food. Diabetes, obesity, heart disease and pancreatitis are common effects of inadequate diets and incumbent brands have done little to help.

That’s why we are thrilled to back Buddy Pet Foods who are helping consumers find the right food to their pets but more importantly, they provide the human-grade food our four legged pals deserve!

Canine-kind founders from the left: Alexander Baumann, Alexander Retzlik and Erik Wide Gustafsson and a happy, healthy dog:)

The Buddy Pet Foods team is one of the most energetic we have encountered. Their passion will become a strong force in changing this industry.

The founders (Alex B, Alex R and Erik) impressed us a lot, as persons but also as entrepreneurs. Within a few months they developed a strong product and a subscriber base of very happy customers who appreciate their honest approach to food. Their backgrounds include leadership positions at e-commerce companies and subscription services such as Glossybox. As a team they worked together at The Hut Group (THG), a powerhouse of beauty and wellness brands, and probably did a good job since Rachel Horsefield, CEO of Beauty at THG, recently chose to join Buddy’s board of directors.

The pet food market is changing and it is our conviction that mid-prized brands with mediocre, unhealthy products will suffer, premium customization will grow at a high pace, and low-cost alternatives will remain for consumers who simply choose cheap, low quality options.

Buddy produce their own recipes offering healthy food and snacks, starting off with carefully oven baked dry-food that maintains a high nutritional value for the dogs. Together with dietitians and by using their own data, they are developing customized diet plans for each individual, a service retail brands fail to deliver.

It goes without saying that we are very excited to support the team moving forward! If you are a dog owner or just an enthusiast, swing by Buddypetfoods.com and make your first order!

Interested in joining the team? Check out open positions

Read more about Buddy’s recent financing round (Swedish) at Breakit or Ehandel.se

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Daniel Karsberg
Luminar Venture Stories

Tech VC at Luminar Ventures, Engineer by heart, Father, Runner and Skier