Introducing Luminaries Magazine

Making knowledge equally available to creatives on all levels of their development regardless of their educational, financial, and cultural backgrounds.

3 min readMay 11, 2021


Dear design community,

I’ve been working for a while on an initiative derived from my very deep need for bringing high-quality content to design industry publications. Most articles and podcasts focus on vague, often pointless conversations rather than on encouraging creatives to share the intellectual and manual challenges they had to struggle with during projects they’ve worked on. Every creative is a luminary whose voice should not be silenced particularly, as she or he has the power to illuminate the rest of the community and therefore, has the power of impacting further progress of everyday objects and services. The power of enriching human lives.

Every creative is a luminary whose voice should not be silenced, as she or he has the power of enriching human lives.

Besides the quality of the content, there’s one other significant issue. As an ever-learning professional, I keep facing the fact that despite the existence of all the numerous — brilliant — online education platforms, lots of essential knowledge and help isn’t available online or is ever so exclusive to those who can afford it. If education isn’t broadly available and accessible to everyone, can we truly maintain equality and keep improving everyday lives?

Can we truly maintain equality and keep improving everyday lives?

So, what’s different then? In the design industry, we tend to focus on outcomes more than on the winding road that creatives had to walk through in order to achieve the ultimate result that we may use and if successful — even admire. Imagine going to a museum, gazing at an art piece or an object without understanding its nature, the way of how it came to be. Each interview is going to focus on one project at a time diving into the thought process behind it, touching upon such facets as the initial intention, past influences, creative philosophy, context, tools, resources, and takeaways. Exploring all crucial aspects that had shaped the project to its final form. The online Luminaries Magazine is meant to be available for free and to remain so forever in order to be equally available to creatives on all levels of their development regardless of their educational, financial, and cultural backgrounds. We have the power to ease and enrich human lives if we make better products and services. We can make better products and services if we nurture better designers. We can nurture better designers if we share.

We can nurture better designers if we share.

The target audience of Luminaries Magazine is going to be the creative industry as a whole focusing primarily on industrial designers, architects, automotive designers, fashion designers, and artists since the availability of knowledge and help seems to be the most neglected amongst those disciplines. Moreover, the target audience is intentionally diverse as the thought process is a flexible tool that can be applied variety of different contexts. Just like the aviation industry may influence automotive designers, or a textile specialist may influence an industrial form factor, so may those groups influence one another. Luminaries magazine is meant to be a space for promoting talent in the industry and helping with interdisciplinary networking.

A platform for promoting talent in the industry and helping with interdisciplinary networking.

Luminaries Magazine will first feature London-based creatives gradually including international ones. The conversations are going to rely on onsite meetings as they allow for more humane, more honest, and far less transactional communication. Each conversation is also going to feature a photoshoot taken during the meeting. The initiative takes off in the form of a magazine but on some point will be complemented by Luminaries Academy — a series of meet-ups offering even more space to networking.

There’s a long way to go and a lot of wonderful souls to meet. The journey I’ve planned for a while finally begins for me today. I hope you’ll join me — you’re more than welcome.

Kindest regards,


Stay in touch with Luminaries Magazine:



Luminaries | London UK | Twitter: radekszczygiel | Instagram: radekszczygiel