Are you rejected by publications? Write for Luminary Innovator

Francesca G.L.
Luminary Innovator
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2024

Submit your story about Digital Marketing, Monthly Recurring Revenue & Semipassive income. Get engagement and support!

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash


1. Why applying for most Medium publications feels like a burden.
2. Why you need to join publications on Medium
3. The benefits & opportunities you get by Joining Luminary Innovator
4. The cons
5. Guidelines

6. Apply here

Why applying for some Medium Publications feels like a burden

When I open the Medium app, all I can conclude from a lot of stories that appear on my feed is:

" I was rejected X times by publications but I didn’t gave up"

But there was one article that blew my mind: A writer was rejected by the same publication 8 times and finally got accepted the 9th.

8 times? Seriously? I get a mixed feeling about this.

With so many AI articles , and people focusing on sites with high domain authority instead of making their own and flying to Medium for quick exposure, it’s understandable that publications should have a certain standard.

But most of them got way too strict to the point that you can compare the application process for to their publication to the process of getting accepted for a job.

Some publications started to ask a lot of personal questions on their sign up pages , which I think are way too much for a writer that simply wants to publish his articles.

It feels like you’re at a job, getting through 3-4 rounds of interviews..

Other writers claimed that they were rejected for confusing/ pathetic reasons that have nothing to do with the guidelines of the publication.

Basically, reasons that are subjective.

In my opinion, rejection is redirection and editors that give valuable feedback instead of generic rejection responses, will definitely help the writer get better. I respect the work of editors and the fact that each publication should have a standard.

But some editors started to put their publications on a pedestal. As if you will suddently blow up, by joining theirs.. (even if most of those publications that I talk about are pretty small:)

Pretty small, yet pretty pretentious.

It’s easier to reject and let go of writers without any response, warning or some basic feedback. Because after all, we are in the era where ghosting is viewed as a normal behaviour in interpersonal relationships.

But enough with my rant because one thing is true.

It's their publications and they have the right to do whatever they want with it.

That’s it. We accept the reality as it is or go on with the day complaining.

Meanwhile.. you have the right to not put all your eggs in one basket and take your articles elsewhere, if you are constantly rejected by one publication. Rejection shouldn’t be the end of the world.

Why you should join a Medium Publication?

You shouldn’t ask yourself wheter or not you should join a publication on Medium. The Medium algorithm always prioritizes stories submmited in publications. The top writers on Medium who earn lots of money , could confirm that. So, getting into one should be non negotiable. At least in the beginning, until you will have a big enough following.

What are the benefits of joining Luminary Innovator?

This will depend on writers. On my application form I ask writers who want to join Luminary Innovator what benefits would they like to have.

Despite the fact that you will be part of an amazing community of Digital Marketers, Solopreneurs, Entrepeneurs & Creators, you will also gain early access to Luminary Innovator Weekly Newsletter and our subreddits.

Our newsletter is focused on Recurring Revenue Business Models, Passive/ Semipassive Income and the Latest Digital Marketing Strategies to help you succeed.

Once my Youtube Channel gets more established, you have the chance of getting featured/ intervieweed on it , if I potentially start a Podcast.

A non negotiable is that I’ll show my support for your articles. Engaging, liking, commenting and giving you answers to all the questions that you have. I hope all of you will engage and contribute to the growth of each other in this publication.

But as I said, I ask you (writers) for feedback. I can also post an external Pin with a link for each of your articles. At least, until our publication grows big enough that I won’t be able to:)

The cons of joining Luminary Innovator

As with everything in this life, there are some cons to joining this publication. And this is the fact that..

We are at the beginning.

While I managed to get 78 followers since I started my Medium account in may (quite impressive, because I wasn’t consistent at all) the publication got only 2 and now has 1 follower (as I’m writing this)

As embarassing as this may seem, I think that everyone starts from somewhere, right? :)
If you are okay with joining a publication from its very beginning, I’ll welcome you with open arms and do my best to support each of you on your journey.

I used to spend more time engaging on Medium than writing as I was working on my strategy and email newsletter. Everything should be matching. The subreddit, the newsletter, my free quiz funnel and so much more.

Now I’m back at it but not with a maniacal publication schedule. I will focus on quality more than quanitity.

Luminary Innovator Publication Guidelines

Of course, we will end the article with out guidelines

• Content Focus

— Topics:

Articles should focus on digital marketing, monthly recurring revenue (MRR), recurring revenue business models, passive and semi-passive side hustles.

— Prohibited Topics:
No content promoting MRR (Master Resell Rights), cryptocurrency, trading, gambling, or any high-risk businesses.

● Quality and Originality

— Quality:
Try to focus on quality more than on quantity. While I won’t reject writers that submitt a story everyday, an employer from Medium actually debunked the myth of "maniacal publishing" to grow on this platform. The algorythm changed and Medium rewards people

— Originality:
Articles must be original and not generated by AI tools. Writers should offer unique insights and personal experiences.

— Depth:

Avoid generic content.

Submission Guidelines

— Drafts:

After you apply to the following form I will send you an email with a confirmation after I added you as a writer on Medium.

Review Process

— Approval:

To keep a certain standard, if you don’t respect the guidelines above- your articles may get rejected. But a non negotiable is that rejected articles will be accompanied by feedback for improvement.
— Response Time:

Expect a response as fast as possible.

Community Engagement

— Interaction:

Authors are encouraged to engage with readers by responding to comments on their articles.

APPLY HERE + why I request sign up through this form

I request sign ups through this form so that I can easily keep track of all the writers and inquiries. Tap on this link to apply!

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to check your spam folder after application. I do my best trying to avoid my emails getting stuck in spam, but sometimes things can happen




Francesca G.L.
Luminary Innovator

Sharing my digital marketing& entrepeneurial knowledge as well as my self healing journey as a multicreative with C-PTSD & chronic diseases.