A Perfidious Pilferer OF Peaches Returns

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
5 min readApr 23, 2024

Again the great circle of Wickedness plays out —

The Poets write the poems

The Poets die

The people parody the poems

The people don’t die, yet.

The Scoundrel steals the poems and wordclouds them — the cheapest and most useless form ov visualization there is.

And the scoundrel is eternal.

Sorry people.

Image of tweet on twitter showing the original visualization.
Link to Original Tweet because Twitter can no longer reliably handle embeds

The Scoundrel did it, he admits it, he stole some this is just to say parodies from Gawker — and are they still there?!?


Gawker, huh whatever happened to that site.


Gawker’s publication of a sex tape featuring Hulk Hogan led Hogan to sue the company for invasion of privacy. Hogan received financial support from billionaire investor Peter Thiel, who had been outed by Gawker against his wishes. On June 10, 2016, Gawker filed for bankruptcy after being ordered to pay Hogan $140 million in damages.

Wow. So that’s why the phrase shower of arseholes was invented!!

The original link is saved in the Internet Archive

unfortunately I am assuming whatever parodies where there came in the comments section, of which there were 14 “replies”.

Fancy! Gawker’s comments were replies.

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Twitter Link if Embed Not Working

Bruce Baugh, another MakingLight regular — but the url has not been archived


OH NO — but if you leave the showall = true off you do get some archiving

Timeline showing hits on archive.org for making light commenter, hits in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2017.

Since the original Scoundrel was in 2013 — I’ll just check what I can get there — but nothing, no Mr. Baugh’s This is Just to Say Parodies are gone from the world,. removed from history, gone like Aristotle’s Guide to Making Monks Laugh, Socrates’ Big Book of Wisdom, and The Scoundrel’s So Sorry It’s Making Me Sad, an epic poem written on a Mobius Strip in Acme Disappearing/Reappearing Ink.

I’m guessing Bruce Baugh is this guy anyway

I wonder if he cares that his This is Just To Say had to end with a This is Just to Say Bye-Bye.

Does he have them saved anywhere — is the great artwork of the Scoundrel preserved above really the only thing that is left!?!?

I guess I’m going to have to ask him these things, because also I, The Scoundrel Who Steals Fruit and Apologizes Insincerely, deserve to know — mainly because I’m such a great guy!

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More From MakingLight — this time from “Mike”

Really believable name “Mike” I bet lots of people are called that. Great stuff.

What Does Archive.org say — well same problem as Bruce Baugh — not all comments archived but what about the last 20 comments in 2013

And the same problem! “Mike” — the fruits of your labor were stolen by the scoundrel, and now nothing in this world remains of them but this image

It is hard for me to express how sorry I am about all this, so I guess I won’t even try

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And what does Jezebel have to say when asked for its delicious parodies?

Jezebel 404 page asking you to check out their homepage.

And do they have anything at archive.org?

Yes, but once again it looks like the parodies were all in the content. Also this is a very disturbing article about a women who, finding her pork chops had been eaten by her poor innocent husband that I am sure left her the nicest note imaginable, attacked him and stabbed him with a fork shouting “Eat my Pork, Feel my Fork” which I guess just goes to show every human being has a little bit of the poetic spirit in their bosom.

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Twitter Link If Embed Not Working

Oh No, another MakingLight user — Earl Cooley III — with parodies — but is it on Archive.org this time?

Yes, we have a great success!

The parodies — as found:

This is just to say

I have looted
the tomatoes
which you grew
upside down

and which
you were probably
against starvation.

Forgive me,
it’s the apocalypse
and I
was hungry.


this is just to say I have eaten green pizza which it was spinachy alfredoesque hot and delicious without otherwise well deserved feelings of guilt because spinach is good for you as is effectively rationalized by the heroic example of popeye the sailor man


This is just to say

I have borrowed
the woo
that was in
your beliefs

and which
you were probably
for Heaven

Forgive me
there are trusting souls
to fleece
and deceive


This is just to say

I have recycled
the statues
that were cluttering
your city

and which
you were probably
for posterity

Forgive me
king of kings

Ok, even your cynical scoundrel must admit those were a tad better than a lot of the this is just to says out there, almost seems a shame to steal them and wordcloud them, the most useless and trivial bit of visualization that was ever invented!

I guess it’s probably this guy

If you need to hire somebody to make deliciously cold this is just to say parodies for the scoundrel to steal you could do a lot worse than this guy!

Thieving Spree Out!

As always the Hitmagist has been nice enough to provide a playlist for this outing of the scoundrel — play along to get along

